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Hello everyone... I am The Great Sage... The Leader and Founder of The Seven Sages... Webmaster and Creator of Guardian Sages - Where Knowledge Is Born... You have found my Bio page. I shall keep it short and sweet.

I'm the Director of Web Design for the company I work for. I spent 10+ years in college to achieve my Doctorate and Master Degrees in Music (Education, Piano, Percussion are the Doctorate); Music Theory and Math are the Masters). I also have a Bachelor's Degree in Web Design and Computer Security & Technology. I also freelance my services, whenever I can.

I've been playing the Zelda series since the very beginning and I don't plan on stopping. I've been apart of Zelda Sages since 2006. I'm still one of the very few that are still active on this website. I'm now married with 3 adopted boys (from my wife's previous marriage), and we have another one on the way. If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me. Great to see everyone back.
Feb 24, 1989 (Age: 36)
In the Triforce Temple...
Favorite Legend of Zelda Game
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
Other Favorite Games
Series: Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Five Nights at Freddy's, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, Paper Mario, Far Cry
Specific: Grandia I and II, Kid Icarus, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, MineCraft, Terraria, RPG Maker
Leader and Founder of The Seven Sages


The Great Sage, ZeldaGuardian
Windows Live
Yahoo! Messenger


~The Great Sage, ZeldaGuardian~
Leader and Founder of The Seven Sages
Webmaster and Creator of Guardian Sages

"Don't let my past mistakes... Effect your future judgement of me..." ~ZeldaGuardian
"Time is Fate's true love. One cannot exist without the other. If it is Fate, then Time will tell when it's ready." ~ZeldaGuardian
"This is where it all begins... In the Temple of Sages..." ~ZeldaGuardian




  1. 10

    First Fan Submission

    You submitted fan work (a story, a piece of art, something) and had it posted on ZS. Nice work!
  2. 10

    Heart Container

    Your content has been liked 50 times. You must be posting some fantastic stuff!
  3. 5

    I Like it Like That

    You've received at least 15 likes on your content. Keep posting great stuff!
  4. 2

    Somebody Likes You

    Somebody out there liked one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
  5. 3

    Slightly Bigger Quiver

    You've posted 25 messages on the forums. Legal reasons prevent us from giving you a real quiver, but, enjoy!
  6. 50

    Hylian Pioneer

    This trophy was awarded to all Pre-2013 Zelda Sages members. Not only are they totally awesome, they have this nifty trophy to show for it.
  7. 15

    Breaking a Century

    You've posted 100 messages on the forums. You're finally chilling with the big boys now!
  8. 5

    One Month Anniversary

    You've been a registered member of the community for one month. Happy anniversary! 5pts.
  9. 5

    Half n' Half

    You've posted 50 messages on the forums. Great work!
  10. 3

    Dawn of the Second Week

    You've been a member of the community for one week. Keep coming back for more!
  11. 2

    First Message

    You made your first post. Congratulations!