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Search results

  1. G

    What's love got to do with it?

    Ahhh... Love... Goboman, I know how that was like. I've been through a similar thing back when I went to my first elementary school. It was similar problem to yours, but not quite the same... ya know what I mean? But, unlike you, I didn't do any thing about it, so kudos to you that you had the...
  2. G

    Hot Topic

    ................................... Dude... your insane... O-o Hot Topic is my all time favorite store... I get most of my stuff from that place... even though I loathe my parents for not letting me get most of their clothes from there. >>;; But like ZeldaGuardian, I get most of my Zelda stuff...
  3. G


    Ahaha... GoI has many, many nicknames she goes by. ^^; But Guardian is a new one to add onto my list though. =] I don't mind the nicknames... but here's the nicknames I use: - GoI - Guardian (yes, I'm adding it to the list) - Kayla (my name in real life) - Kay-Kay - Shadow (my all time...
  4. G

    Media Moderator

    Sorry to hear about the death of your grandfather... I know how you must feel, for I have lost mine too, soon to be the other one. I may not know you so well, but sorry to hear about every thing. Hope you can still be an active member though, since your resigning. May light shine upon your...
  5. G

    What is your favrite Item to use throughout all of the Zelda games?

    Aha... my favorite and trusty item I use throughout the Zelda game series... is the bow and arrows! What can I say? I got good aim when it comes to it... better than most of my friends whom live where I live... ( though I'm not so sure if I'm a better shooter than ZeldaGuardian of course... )...
  6. G


    *le'gasp* What has the world come to indeed? Ah well, it's the people's fault who are going to send those guards to jail just for protecting our country. People are just a little mental in the head and don't know right from wrong most of the time. It happens, but from what I see it as, they...
  7. G

    favorite zelda charicters and villans

    Yes, it's very obvious. And thank you Slyguy for telling him. xP Now you got me thinking. I do believe in what you have said. I don't think Link is a Hero any more. Because, mainly, it's either the same Link, or a Link born in the generation of the Hyrulian family. Never a very new...
  8. G

    favorite zelda charicters and villans

    Favorite good guy characters- Link, Midna, Nayru, Din, Farore, Impa (OoT), Naburoo, Shiek, Saria, Wolf Link, Laruto, Talt, Tael Favorite villans- Vaati (MC), Bongo-Bongo, Veran, King Dodongo Most annoying characters- Ruto, Navi And GoI is out now.
  9. G

    Whats your favorite MM mask and how would you use them?

    My favorite Majora's Mask, mask, is... Drum roll please. *hears a drum roll* The Keaton mask! =D Yes, my most favorite mask that you can use to summon the Keatons. The Keatons are awesome, so that is why that is my number one favorite mask. Ahaha. I sure told you guys. Runner up however...
  10. G


    *nodnod* But yes, writting is a form of art. There's many things that are considered 'art'. So poetry isn't the only form of written art.
  11. G


    Ahah. That used to be like me, and still is sort of. But I learned the harder way... It's better to show and get comments and helpful advice than not getting them at all and just hide forever and not know what others think. But that's just what I have to say. ^^ Writting is a form of art...
  12. G

    Game Series Music

    Well, as long as you made it multipule choice, it's good to be able to choose more than one. Ahaha. I've always been a Zelda and Final Fantasy fan ever since I was very little. So I've always enjoyed their music. Then Kingdom Hearts and Super Smash Bro. Meele came around and I enjoyed their...
  13. G

    First Zelda game

    Hm, kind of hard for me to remember what was my first Zelda game I ever played. I think it was either Links Awakening or Ocarina of Time... owo;; Curses to my forgettful memory. Anyways, I'm pretty sure it was Ocarina of Time, cause, I mean, I was only around two years old when Links Awakening...
  14. G

    Most annoying Zelda moments

    And I was there to witness it too. Ahaha. My most annoying Zelda moment has to deffently be the Water Temple. I seriously hate that Temple... In both Ocarina of Time and Master Quest... actually, I still didn't beat it for Master Quest. I mean, think about it peoples, that temple is hard...
  15. G


    Wow, I'm happy to see you made an announcement of it. I also submitted more of my Legend of Zelda fanart that are waiting to be placed up too. Just random old art, nothing new for now. But hopefully soon, GoI will be drawing new art to submit. But any ways, thanks for announcing it. ^^
  16. G

    Make Your Own Power

    If I could make a power of my own, this is what I'd make: - A power to control any thing dealing with ice. Like snow, hail, sleet... ice in general. It would be cool, if it was raining, then suddenly, making it snow, even if it is abnormal in a place where you wouldn't expect snow at all. Or...
  17. G

    Christmas Time!!!

    Well, well, well... Christmas time is a good time for all of us isn't it? Well, just remember not to be greedy on what you get. Ahahah. Just remember not every one gets to have a wonderful Christmas like we do. But the things I want, areeeeee: 1. TP for GC 2. KH II 3. How to Draw Males 4...
  18. G

    cant wait for wii multiplayer

    I haven't gotten to hear much about the wii as of right now. But I didn't know it can be used to play against others across the world... That sounds fun! ^_^ But then again, I think it'll have it's downsides as well in my opinion. But, since I also heard it can play normal game cube games, I...
  19. G

    Favorite Hero

    Of course my hero is gonna be Link. ^_^ He is, but the greatest character in my opinion. Sure, there's probably many other characters I find as a hero, but from the list above, I chose Link. xP Since I have been a Zelda fan for a long time, I've grown to adore Link because of his many...