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  1. Versac

    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    Fail so hard, the counter actually was pulled back in time by the resulting time-space inversion.
  2. Versac

    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    Because tobacco doesn't burn very well; other stuff (read: tar) must be added to make it burn slowly and continuously. Such additives would be unnecessary with marijuana.
  3. Versac

    Brawl: Special and Themed Matches

    Suprise! Start with metal bodies and low gravity. The result is characters that are almost invincible - until you reach a certain damage threshold (varies by character) and suddenly you're not. Low gravity + heavy characters = very hard to stop in mid-air.
  4. Versac

    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    Why? Why would carcinogens be added? Why would being more enjoyable and less deadly be a bad thing? Why is this reason to ban marijuana?
  5. Versac

    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    The point is that the option is there for those who wish to die of lung cancer in 50 years instead of 30. What I'm trying to say is that "if marijuana is made legal, and if the major existing companies decide to use it, and if they decide to add in carcinogens, and if the mass market supports...
  6. Versac

    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    ..... I read it, I simply chose to believe that you weren't making the case that marijuana should be illegal because eating tar is bad for you. Apparently I was mistaken. Nicotine still can be smoked in pipes, you know. It'll give you lung diseases eventually, but it's nowhere near as bad as...
  7. Versac

    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    Yeah, you never know - once you do coffee, there's no turning back. In all seriousness, marijuana produces a purely mental addiction, so going cold turkey won't kill you. In fact, it'd be far more pleasant than breaking off of cigarettes. This is what pisses me off: the U.S. drug education...
  8. Versac

    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    Actually, repeated testing has shown marijuana to be less addictive than even caffeine. Here's one such example. People do anything for heroin. Economies are destabilized by by opium. People are killed in car accidents caused by alcohol. Marijuana has never, to the best of my knowledge...
  9. Versac

    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    Good point with the Europe/McDonald's comparison. I don't think adding marijuana to the intoxicant pool would really add new abusers though, and would only affect people in existing demographics. My view on it is kind of like video game/movie violence: it takes an unstable person to begin...
  10. Versac

    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    This thread hasn't been seeing much activity lately, so I'm going to bring up a highly controversial topic and adopt a sensible, unpopular position. Legalize marijuana!
  11. Versac

    The Government Stole My Sleeping Hours!

    Why yes, they did. For future reference though, it's better to cite who 'they' are (this case being the National Bureau of Economic Research in 2008. Savings were somewhere between 1-4%.)
  12. Versac

    I wanna be the guy!

    Masochism in video game form. Playing through it on hard as to avoid getting a pink ribbon. Not far yet. Grammar capabilities failing. Will be The Guy.
  13. Versac

    The Question of the Gods!

    That's Bushido, which ninja certainly do not follow. Fail a job, eh, I suppose you could always kill your employer to keep news from spreading. Suicide is right out.
  14. Versac

    Something for Music Nerds

    *twitch* *twitch* Bob's not the only clarinet 'round these here parts. DRAW! (Admittedly, the FH could use more appreciation.)
  15. Versac

    Widescale Global Cooling

    :confused: I can't tell if that was sarcasm, so I'm just going to say that nuclear winter is an incidence event while global warming/cooling is a trend effect and thus the two are utterly non-comparable. Seconded. Wait, did you just give me motive to start a nuclear war? :p
  16. Versac

    "Not another one of those absurd objectives I hope..."

    Beat Boss Battles with all characters. (Tabuu trophy, bottom-right corner) :eek:
  17. Versac

    Currently listening to?

    That doesn't make any difference anymore! Dancing Mad by The Black Mages. Yes, I know I'm a geek, but any rock/metal band that does video game music and includes an organ is definitely doing something right.
  18. Versac

    Smash Bros Game Setup Thread

    I'm gone from the 21st to the 29th :( but there's a tournament in planning for at least one of those weekends.
  19. Versac

    The Question of the Gods!

  20. Versac

    The Question of the Gods!

    The first ninjas were indeed pissed peasants, but the later ones were contract killers. The first pirates were murderous thieves, but the later ones were contract pillagers. pissed peasants > murderous thieves contract killers > contract pillagers The math seems pretty simple to me. I would...