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  1. P

    Thanks to everyone who told me Happy Birthday!! Y'all are the best!

    Thanks to everyone who told me Happy Birthday!! Y'all are the best!
  2. P

    Isn't that one of the pictures you drew? I loved last night; your house feels so comfortable. ;)...

    Isn't that one of the pictures you drew? I loved last night; your house feels so comfortable. ;) My allergies finally seemed to calm down; I was right, I think it has to do with my brothers' house, but my allergies seem to calm down/ completely go away when I'm over here. How has my darling...
  3. P

    I hope you feel better, Shinobi. If I could do anything to help...

    I hope you feel better, Shinobi. If I could do anything to help...
  4. P

    Hi, Shinobi!!! Hearts all around the world, just for you! I wish I could take away your pain. I...

    Hi, Shinobi!!! Hearts all around the world, just for you! I wish I could take away your pain. I love you so much!