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Search results

  1. I

    Obama's Anthem

    Ah, in that case, there is only one suitable response: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65I0HNvTDH4
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    Obama's Anthem

    You, like a depressingly large portion of the Republican Party seem determined to keep trying to insinuate that Obama is a socialist or communist (more likely than not, because all other avenues of attack have failed miserably.) Now, I know well enough the odds of getting a straight or...
  3. I

    Picture Wars 2.0

    For two reasons: 1. Everything is Better With Penguins 2. The Internet is Serious Buisness
  4. I

    Picture Wars 2.0

    Ok, you just won the thread.
  5. I

    The Technological Singularity

    The point of living in such a reality is that you would have quite literally a limitless number of options available to you. If one activity begins to tire you, you will always have the option of doing anything else. I personally believe that a significant portion of the population, myself...
  6. I

    The Technological Singularity

    While any speculation as to what existence could be for those who upload their minds is just speculation, I’d personally like to think it might be a little like this: http://www.fullmoon.nu/Resurrection/PrimarySpecies.html The story there is really a great read. I first read it myself several...
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    Your opinion of the DOW plumet

    To a large extent, this is due to the fact that many members of the media were taking the passage of the bailout as a foregone conclusion, thus forming the expactations that the bailout was both surely coming, and neccesary for economic survival. The market will be very volitile in the coming...
  8. I

    September 26th Debate

    For the sake of providing the actual facts on this vote: "In all, 65 Republicans joined 140 Democrats in voting "yes," while 133 Republicans and 95 Democrats voted "no." " http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080929/ap_on_bi_ge/financial_meltdown The funny thing is that Bush wanted this to...
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    September 26th Debate

    It's starting to look like I may have been wrong. Since the debate, Obama has moved upward in the polls. It's hard to tell right now, if this is due to the debate, general electoral trends, or just random statistical noise, but it seems plausible that the shift is partly due to the debate...
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    September 26th Debate

    I'd agree with you on that as a standard for 'winning' a debate. I don't really think however, that the debate has caused any detectable shift in the overall shape of the race. There a probably a handful of voters who decided one way or another due to the debate, but the amount is probably less...
  11. I

    The Economy

    While it's certainly not popular to say this, mostly because many conservatives have spent a generation deifying Reagan, the Reagan era policies of rampant, overzealous, deregulation have led to the crisis today.
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    September 26th Debate

    While I obviously think that Obama's policies are superior, I don't think that either candidate 'won' the debate. They both countered each other well, and no one scored a truly decisive blow.
  13. I

    The Technological Singularity

    I have to disagree with you on both counts. First of all, you can never read too much tvtropes. Secondly, I have to disagree with the basic concept of the 'evil A.I. turns against/ enslaves/ exterminates humanity' scenario. While the idea of a superior A.I. turning against humanity makes for...
  14. I

    The Technological Singularity

    The following passages are taken from Ray Kurzweil’s book, The Singularity is Near. “What then, is the Singularity? It’s a future period during which the pace of technological change will be so rapid, it’s impact so deep, that human life will be irreversibly transformed. Although neither...
  15. I

    Computers figuring out what words mean

    I came across this article earlier today: http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=080918073717.xvg33wf1&show_article=1 I personally find this very interesting, while this technology may provide more utility to search engines in the immediate future, I think the long term applications are...
  16. I

    The media

    I wanted to touch on this subject first. The fact that you seem to believe this blatant lie is an example of the Republicans ability to shape the narrative that was mentioned earlier. In the speech in question, Obama called the use of Sarah Palin to try and promote John McCain's economic plan...
  17. I

    The media

    I recently read an article that summed up what I think of our media. I'll quote the relevant passage down below, and the rest of the article can be found here: http://toddalcott.livejournal.com/222118.html#cutid1 "Conservatives keep demanding "Well, why doesn't Obama tell us his policy...
  18. I

    How many homes does John McCain own?

    You've touched on something interesting here. As the campaign has gone on, I've heard the fact the he was a POW being used as an excuse more and more often. It almost seems to have become a standard, knee-jerk reaction to any questioning or criticism of him. It has been used by his own campaign...
  19. I

    The media

    The media has already done everything in it's power to inflate Palin. The media has an interest in being able to sell the story of McCain's VP pick, so they have elevated her record and speaking ability in order to make her a more interesting story.
  20. I

    John Sidney McCain III's Running Mate

    I'm talking about more than just general polls. In fundraising, in voter enthusiasm, in registering new voters, in almost every area the McCain campaign is lagging significantly behind. After the abysmal past eight years, the Republican brand is toxic, and McCain knows he won't be able to win on...