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Search results

  1. I

    John Sidney McCain III's Running Mate

    I'll agree with that much atleast. McCain needed a game changing move, because if things kept going the way they were he probably wasn't going to win. This is a risky decision, but when you're behind, you can afford to take risks.
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    John Sidney McCain III's Running Mate

    Taken from http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x4678548: THESE ARE BARACK'S ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN THE U.S. SENATE TO DATE: ** First legislation, the HOPE Act, which increased Pell Grants to $5100, and later joined Senator Kennedy on the Higher...
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    John Sidney McCain III's Running Mate

    I haven't seen any threads on this so I thought I'd start one. His choice is certainly an interesting one, I don't think many people were expecting Sarah Palin, I doubt that many people have even heard of her before this. The choice certainly greatly undercuts the argument the McCain has been...
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    Somewhat Controversial 2008 election

    If a candidate makes a few mistakes, they mispeak. If a candidate is consistently makes mistakes on the core elements of a situation, they demonstrate a lack of understanding in the area. As for the often debunked but neverthless repeated claim that Obama has no plans for foreign policy...
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    Crossing the Uncanny Valley

    I recently came across this video of some of the latest motion capture and rendering software for human faces. http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article4557935.ece The level of detail and realism is truly spectacular. By paying close attention I was able to notice a...
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    Barrack Hussein Obama's Running Mate

    The McCain campaign might end up regretting attacking based on Biden's comments during the primary. Mitt Romney currently seems like one of McCain's most likely running mate choices, and they were at each others throats during the Republican primary.
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    Barrack Hussein Obama's Running Mate

    It's Joe Biden! The speculation ends, Barack Obama has selected Joe Biden as his running mate. I think it's a good decision, and I was personally hoping he would pick Biden. Biden has had a long and successful career which will help the ticket combat charges of inexperience and his outspoken...
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    Barrack Hussein Obama's Running Mate

    Rumors are running rampant at this point, and they all have very little credibility. Drudge Report is, in my opinion, usually a fairly reliable source, but they're also guilty of engaging in wild speculation like this from time to time. With the convention just around the corner, it's probably...
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    How many homes does John McCain own?

    How is that relevant to the topic? If McCain can't even remember how many homes he owns then can he be trusted to act effectively as commander in chief? Are we going to have another administration where the standard answser to a question is "I do not recall"? I also find this hilarious coming...
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    How many homes does John McCain own?

    If somebody knows, they should probably let him know. In a recent interview, John McCain was asked how many homes he owned, to which he replied: "I think — I'll have my staff get to you." http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0808/12685.html According to his staff, it's four, however...
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    Extremely Controversial the impending war with Russia

    There's no real evidence to suggest that it's even a possibility at this point. While Russia is ostensibly a democracy, at the moment the government is widely autocratic with Putin wielding power from behind the scenes. However, for Russia to begin an official transition back to a Communist...
  12. I

    Obama slipping in polls..

    I think we can certainly count on Obama more than the intellectual midget currently in office.
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    Rat-Brain Robot

    Not really: "The blob of nerves forming the brain of the robot was taken from the neural cortex in a rat foetus and then treated to dissolve the connections between individual neurons." The neurons used by this robot were grown in a lab. The cluster used in the robot is very different from a...
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    Rat-Brain Robot

    "A robot controlled by a blob of rat brain cells could provide insights into diseases such as Alzheimer's, University of Reading scientists say. The project marries 300,000 rat neurons to a robot that navigates via sonar." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7559150.stm While the purpose...
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    Militarily we should stay out of this situation, but I do think we can and should apply what little political pressure we can still muster into helping to create a peaceful solution to the conflict. We can't accomplish anything with empty threats that the rest of the world know are nothing but...
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    This is an escalation of long running territory disputes between Russia and Georgia. The current information seems to be that Georgia moved it's troops into one of these disputed areas, Russia drove them out, and then proceeded to move into the other disputed areas along with several non...
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    Extremely Controversial end of democracy

    So, the GOP is throwing a temper tantrum / publicity stunt. The controlling party sets the agenda, when the GOP had a majority they would routinely deny the Democrats the ability to discuss, debate, or vote on subjects that the Democrats wanted to. I fail to see how this indicates the...
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    Extremely Controversial end of democracy

    Out of curiosity I have to ask, is this diabolic communist take over going to be started by the Evil Atheist Conspiracy? http://evilatheistconspiracy.org Because if the EAC is planning a communist take over then I must be out of the loop. At our last monthly meeting we only discussed how to...
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    Obama slipping in polls..

    As of today, Real Clear Politics once again lists Obama at 3.1% ahead of McCain, and this will probably fluctuate constantly between now and November. This election is still a good way off, and several very important events are going to occur between now and then, such as the national...
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    Obama slipping in polls..

    Which polls do you mean? Different groups run different polls, and overall, the polls still seem to be all over the place. There is an interesting trend though, some polls put Obama fairly far ahead, some polls put him slightly ahead, and some put him dead even with McCain, however, few if any...