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Search results

  1. I

    Extremely Controversial Gay Marriage

    Suppose that tommorow a pill was invented. If a pregnant woman were to take this pill, it would cause any children they give birth to, to be born Caucasian. Today, people of different races than the majority in the area are treated differently. A child born into a minority may face socially...
  2. I

    When do you think you going to die?

    Never. I will live long enough for advancements in technology to make brain uploading possible, at which point I will upload my mind to a computer network that will eventually encompass the entire universe, and live on forever as a data entity.
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    Nintendo Wii: Banned in the USA?

    I just came across an utterly bizzare story. Apparently, Anascape, an obscure Texas firm owned several anticipatory patents and is now in a legal battle with Nintendo over the infringement of them. http://tech.msn.com/news/articlepcw.aspx?cp-documentid=8815433&GT1=40000 It's obviously...
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    New JibJab video

    Here are a few of their older video, dealing with the 2004 election and the aftermath for those of you who are interested: http://www.jibjab.com/originals/this_land http://www.jibjab.com/originals/good_to_be_in_dc http://www.jibjab.com/originals/2-0-5
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    New JibJab video

    It's an election year, which means it's time for another JibJab video, here it is: http://sendables.jibjab.com/
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    Extremely Controversial United States invading Iran

    Gestures like this are fairly routine in places like Iran. It isn't so much a message to the U.S. as propaganda for the citizens of Iran. One of the ways they mantain power among the people is by spreading the perception that the 'evil American empire' might invade at any point, and that only...
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    5 Terabyte hard drives by 2010?

    http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2008/07/04/hitachi_5tb_hdd_2010/ "Hitachi has pledged to release a 5TB 3.5in hard drive within two years, and it claims two of the drives will boast enough capacity to store everything in your brain." If these come out and are accessible to a good number of...
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    Obama wins nomination

    http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/ Please see the link above.
  9. I

    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do u beleive in God? a·the·ist –noun a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings. An atheist is simply someone who does not believe in any of the supernatural entities described in myth, legend, or religion. The other views you list do not...
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    Israel vs. Iran

    This is certainly not the first instance of tensions between the two nations over Iran's nuclear program, and while Isreal might take some action about this, I'm fairly confident that they will be careful. While many of the citizens of both nations harbor deep hatred for the other nation, the...
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    It's been 375 years since Galileo was forced to recant heliocentrism...

    On this day 375 years ago, Galileo Galilei was forced to recant his claim that the Earth revolved around the Sun. In 1633 after standing trial for charges of heresy, Galileo was required to repudiate the opinion that the Sun lies motionless at the centre of the universe, and that the Earth...
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    Extremely Controversial Iraq War

    Good intentions aren't worth much when you look at the reality of the situation. Regardless of how good and pure and heroic the intentions and rationals behind the attack were, the fact is that the country is in a much worse state as a result of our actions, and the people there have every right...
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    To my knowledge, my previous post contained the first usage of that comment on this website, unless you can provide evidence to the contrary I hereby claim ownership of that statement within this website.
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    Sleep is for the weak.
  15. I

    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do u beleive in God? Bringing up the story of Job is an interesting decision. In it, God gets in a petty argument with Satan and decides to let Satan ruin Job's life in order to prove a point. After letting letting Satan take away all of Job's possessions and wealth, and kill Job's kids...
  16. I

    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do u beleive in God? This kind of attitude is the main reason I see religion as a primarily negative influence. Religion often elevates 'faith' and unquestioning loyalty to a creed to a virtue, and just as often, it condemns logic, reason, and the questioning of that religion as a sin...
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    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do u beleive in God? I'm going to assume that by 'God' you mean the Christian god. What demonstratable evidence can you present that the Christian god is the origin of the universe as we know it? As for the origin of religion, our current historical and archealogical evidence shows...
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    Obama Quits His Church

    This unfortunately puts the story back in the news for another cycle, however, it puts him in a better position to respond to the inevitable general election attacks on the subject. Overall I believe it's probably an intelligent move.
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    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do u beleive in God? Are you trying to make a 'god of the gaps' argument? "We don't know X, therefore it must be god." While modern science is letting us learn more and more about the universe and it's origins, there is still much more that we have to learn. The idea however, that the...
  20. I

    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do u beleive in God? Have you read the Old Testament? "...do not leave alive anything that breaths. Completely destroy them...as the Lord your God has commanded you..." Deuteronomy 20:16, NIV. Throughout the Old Testament the Judeo-Christian God orders or carries out multiple...