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Search results

  1. I

    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do u beleive in God? Any omnipotent being that would allow any kind of suffering, particularly the inescapable, eternal, afterlife variety is not omnibenevolent. I keep seeing the argument that suffering is necessary for free will, but that ignores the fact that humans don't have...
  2. I

    I wanna be the guy!

    VICTORY!!! Playtime 20:23:10 Deaths: 5945 Bosses Defeated: Mike Tyson, Mecha Birdo, Dracula, Kraidgief, Bowser Wart and Wiley, Mother Brain, Devil Dragon, and The (former) Guy It has been an incredible journey. At the start the difficulty seemed to be at a point that I could never overcome...
  3. I

    Extremely Controversial Capitalism or Communism?

    That actually sums of the biggest problems of communism pretty well. There might be a core of people who honestly believe in it as a system and dedicate themselves to it's principles, however, they won't be able to overcome the influence of those who try to exploit them for their own gain, and...
  4. I

    If you have any free time left, watch these...

    If you have any free time left, watch these: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/unforgotten-realms
  5. I

    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do u beleive in God? Give credit where credit is due: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeSSwKffj9o
  6. I

    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do u beleive in God? First of all Windmage, your total number of posts as of the time of that last post was 666. Therefore I conclude that you are in fact the Antichrist, and that your appearance means that the rapture nuts are actually correct, and the world will end any day now...
  7. I

    I wanna be the guy!

    This is it. I have reached The Guy. The final battle will now begin.
  8. I

    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do u beleive in God? You will, of course, provide your verifiable and objective source for this claim, right? However, you've touched upon something that I find interesting in your "Armageddon will soon occur" bit. What I’m referring to is the attitude among a depressing amount...
  9. I

    I wanna be the guy!

    Oh, don't worry, enjoy doing the area leading up to Mike Tyson. You'll spend the rest of the game wishing you could play something as easy as that.
  10. I

    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do u beleive in God? What kind of heaven does Charlieism offer? The best deal I've seen so far was from Pastafarianism, they're heaven has a beer volcano and stripper factory.
  11. I

    I wanna be the guy!

    I have come across YouTube video's of the game's creator himself, braving the depths of IWBTG. If you wish to gain a greater understanding of the mythos and deep storyline of the game, and of the mind of the one who created it, I suggest watching them. First one is here...
  12. I

    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do u beleive in God? If there was an omniscient god, and it for some reason wanted to have its word recorded, you'd think it would do a better job of making sure that word did not branch out into three separate major versions and then thousands of permutations later on. Disregarding the...
  13. I

    Do you believe in God?

    Re: Do u beleive in God? Nope. I do not believe in, and certainly would not worship, the Judeo-Christian god or any other deity. This is for both rational and philosophical reasons. First of all, if there were any sort of being with power or abilities near what we would consider...
  14. I

    I wanna be the guy!

    I have defeated the first six bosses, the mine cart ride, and the demon dragon, and I am now in the hall of former The Guys. After plummeting into the depths of insanity, I have reemerged in a state of mind far more clear than anything I have experienced before. The game has made me stronger...
  15. I

    Apparently creationists can also rap...

    If I wasn't laughing so hard at this, I'd probably start crying: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFXIALf9zDA
  16. I

    I wanna be the guy!

    4th boss down. 2200 deaths. Sanity gone. Can only talk in fragments. Also this. Rom. Check. Fail. http://www.farbs.org/games.html
  17. I

    I wanna be the guy!

    For those of you who are getting stuck in IWBTG, I've found another game for you to try. This one is probably just as hard as IWBTG, but a change of pace might be refreshing for some of you. http://www.mazapan.se/games/BurnTheRope.php
  18. I

    An excercise in distributed computing

    I have recently come across a resource that I've found fairly interesting. This website allows you to essentially 'donate' extra cpu cycles to scientific endeavors. It is a program that redirects spare computing power to a prodject of your choice. These projects all require massive amounts of...
  19. I

    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    The link leads to a removed video. What are you trying to link to?
  20. I

    I wanna be the guy!

    Haha! I have finally defeated the third boss. And my deathcount is only at 1628! The vast majority of my deaths were against this boss, I won't say which boss it is, but I will tell you that, a "miserable little pile of secrets" like yourself stands no chance against him! My sanity is being...