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  1. I


    Yeah it would be funny if they timeline was something like randomly pulling plots out of a hat
  2. I


    Yeah its probably part of the main story, apparently Miyamoto has a secret folder that tells how all the Zelda games are related.
  3. I

    Nintendo's New System

    All anyone knows is that its supposed to be "revooloutionary". What revoloutionary means is yet to be seen but some people are hoping its virtual reality. If it was then it would be revoloutionary but at the moment nobody knows what Nintendo's got up it's sleave.
  4. I


    Hey this is my first post so hi guys. So anyway who else wants to see hyrule get un-flooded in future zelda games? Hyrule's been a cool place so far and it would be kind of lame if it just stays underwater for the rest of the series.