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Search results

  1. Slyguy46

    Currently listening to?

    Hello. I'm alive and somewhat well, and I think I'll be able to come on the site more often now. Space Oddity by David Bowie
  2. Slyguy46

    Broken Telephone!

    Which reminds me of Dinosaurs.
  3. Slyguy46

    Broken Telephone!

    Which reminds me that it's my birthday!
  4. Slyguy46

    Broken Telephone!

    Which reminds me of September 2006 ... good times.
  5. Slyguy46

    Broken Telephone!

    Which reminds me of the 5 Families of New York
  6. Slyguy46

    Broken Telephone!

    If you get cavities in your teeth the world will be overrun by dentist.
  7. Slyguy46

    Youtube Thread

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgPI5ktrcVY&feature=related FALCON PUNCH!
  8. Slyguy46

    Broken Telephone!

    Which reminds me of Portal (and the cake is a lie)
  9. Slyguy46

    Broken Telephone!

    Which reminds me of Alice Cooper
  10. Slyguy46

    Broken Telephone!

    Which reminds me of the Big Bang.
  11. Slyguy46

    Currently listening to?

    Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd I'm still alive, by the way. Been too busy to come on as often as I'd like.
  12. Slyguy46

    Currently listening to?

    Code Monkey by Jonathan Coultman has been stuck in my head all day. Why fight it? Oh, and I'm not dead. I was in Florida.
  13. Slyguy46

    My Hardrive Blew Up ... Be back in a few days.

    My Hardrive Blew Up ... Be back in a few days.
  14. Slyguy46


    ... Epic Mafia, anyone? ... Much easier to set up.
  15. Slyguy46

    Currently listening to?

    One Winged Angel by Nobuo Uematsu
  16. Slyguy46


    Need to point out, Zeroth hasn't posted again since Ides of March put the screenshot up. When he DID have that many posts, as it counts the most recent post count.
  17. Slyguy46


    I swear, I'm innocent! It was yoyolll! He's just trying to take out his competition. Look he changed his vote three times. ##vote: yoyolll
  18. Slyguy46


    ##unvote: pandabear ##vote: No Lynch
  19. Slyguy46


    Then unvote me so that we can play this right.
  20. Slyguy46


    Seriously? You guys could be killing someone important before you even know anything. What do you have against this slyguy46? I certainly have never met him, as I am Slyguy46. Anyway ... ##vote:pandabear