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Search results

  1. T

    E3 2008

    Anybody like the new updates they showcased coming up for the 360??
  2. T

    Halo 3 1v1 battle invite

    sure, i'll send you a friend request we're actually looking for good players to start a big team team?? that sounds weird so ya
  3. T


    i'm a teddy may be on to something?? is that correct english?? and who's teddy??
  4. T

    Best band in the whole world

    Blink-182 hands down.
  5. T

    Facebook vs. Myspace vs. Not being stalked by creepy old guys on the internet

    one thing they enticed me to get a myspace over a facebook is that myspace doesn't sell your information to companies without your express permission if you read carefully in the terms of agreement for facebook, everything you post or place or anything in facebook, belongs to them and they can...
  6. T

    Halo 3 1v1 battle invite

    If anyone is interested, I would like to play some people over Halo 3. My gamertag is MA5C 7ruth, just send me an invite and post something here so I know who I'm up against.
  7. T

    xbox live sucks

    In my opinion, Xbox Live is the best online gaming available. It beats the Wii because with the Wii you don't have many options to use the internet in your gaming and when you do it's only with friends, not new people. It beats the PS3 because the PS3 is way too expensive and no one plays it...
  8. T

    Rock Band

    I have Rock Band and the drums are nothing like real life, but Guitar Hero IV's drums actually have cymbols and apparently they are way quieter. Rock Band's drums are so loud!!!!!!! Rock Band is also really easy on expert for all instruments (vocals don't count, those are impossible) Guitar Hero...