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  1. ZeldaGuardian

    Legend of Zelda - Tears of the Kingdom (BotW2)

    Hello everyone... I am The Great Sage. Welcome to the newest Legend of Zelda game that was announced on September 13th, 2022 during the Nintendo Direct Livestream. So, as many of you may know, Legend of Zelda's newest flagship game (Breath of the Wild) has been still one of Nintendo's...
  2. ZeldaGuardian

    Nintendo Switch Online Membership

    Hello everyone... I am The Great Sage... And welcome to the NSO Membership discussion. Today, we will be going over all the newest stuff and prices of what all the memberships offer and which one is the right one for you. Now, whether you're a first-time Switch owner or been doing this for...
  3. ZeldaGuardian

    Super Mario Odyssey Game

    For over 30 years, we have played as many characters from the Mario Brothers series. We started out by playing as Mario and Luigi. Then Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and Toad. Then we added Yoshi into the mix. We have adventured through pipes, underground, castles, lava pits, cloud city, and soo...
  4. ZeldaGuardian

    Complete List of 2017 Nintendo Switch Games

    Hello everyone. I am The Great Sage, Leader and Founder of The Seven Sages. Today, I bring to you a complete list of 2017 Games that are being released on the Nintendo Switch. I will also try to include any and all dates. The list as follows: 1. FIFA (TBD) 2. Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final...
  5. ZeldaGuardian

    E3 Conference of 2016

    Hello everyone. I am The Great Sage, Webmaster and Creator of Guardian Sages. It's about that time again, everyone!! The E3 Conference is upon us. There's going to be a lot of revealing and unveiling of new games and more this year. And for the first time, Nintendo is dedicating a day of E3 to...
  6. Linkman

    So, WiiU Zelda Coming 2016?

    I've been reading a lot that WiiU Zelda will not be coming for...let's just say maybe even longer than 2016. I'm not sure how many of you have seen these articles come up, but Nintendo did not publish a 2016 year for Zelda WiiU during its last earnings report (see link). I'm concerned to say...