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Subtle as a Ninja Pirate!
OK, Members on the East Coast (and Midgar), this is your 30 minute warning for 2007. Let us reflect on all that 2006 has brought us.

The Wii

Eight Grade (best school year ever, im sad it ended *tear*)

The best friends i have now which are the best ever :D

Zeldasages *well for me, i joined in april*

my girlfriend *wow windmage does have a life......sometimes*

thats all i can think of lol
my favorite part of 2006 was summer... I grew a garden and watched the world cup everyday :)
also, 2006 was when i got active on zs...
2006 was a good year, but I'm looking forward to 2007. The Wii and TP were excelent, but now I'm waiting for Brawl and Corruption.
And galaxy, warioware, strikers,party 8, phantom hourglass, wii play, ect :)

p.s... is anyone gonna respond to my excite truck review... I worked hard on that -_-

8th grade was good, but excessive amounts of homework irritated me...

Friends are always good to have, and joining ZS was a great idea...(thanks Slyguy:D)

Advanced Academic Literacies.......this class is the bane of my existance, and thank you 2007, for getting rid of this class by the end of January!

That is reason enough to welcome 2007, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Hooray for 2007!
To no longer put up with the whining of the little people as they beg for shards of the power that is mine to bear. :mad:

Hmmmmmmm well, to:

- Put up my TC: SO Review
- possibly write a walkthrough for TC: UtK and TC: SO
- Beat TP
- Pass all of my classes with straight A's for the 3rd and 4th MPs
- Become a Hero of Time and then maybe Knight of Hyrule......If I'm lucky, a S.I.T.
- Beat KH and KH 2
- At least start Bully, FFXII, and Okami
- Maybe work out............
- Write other assorted reviews...
- Get WW: SM, SSBB, SMG, and Corruption
- Get better at Wii Sports
- Play FFVII
- Beat Sephiroth in both KH AND KH 2
- To not upset Versac, Bob, or any other mods
Quite the high expectations you got there :)

Bully is supposed to be great

oh... i also wanna beat all the games i got for christmas by the end of the year :)
I wanna

-create some Fan Art
-Finish TP, FFXII, and All of the Wii games I got (SMB:BB included :( )
-Work at my job (starting soon :D )
-Have FUN