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Broken Telephone!

Ides Of March

Shakespeare's Wife
I figure I'd get a game started... it's called broken telephone. We used to play it in my theatre group. Basically, it's like regular telephone, except instead of repeating the word, you blurt out the first word that comes to mind when hearing that word (and it has to be different from the word you heard). Now, since this is online, there's really no way to have an exciting end to the game so really, it's just going to be kind of fun to see where the word started and where it goes. There are a few rules:

1) Do not repeat words-- the game is better that way.
2) Do not use any foul/offensive/explicit language.
3) When you reply, write "_______ makes me think ______."
4) Seriously, use the first word that pops into your head (that is a different word and is not foul/offensive/explicit) because it will make the game so much more interesting.

Okay, the first word is....


creepy bob makes ma think of creepy rapist clowns... is that offensive? its whathappened in the seventies, look it up!
(No it's not) metal makes me think of marching band-induced frostbite, when my fingers turned blue from holding my trumpet in the freezing cold.