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Decorate the Community Tree

Capt. Zeroth

Decorate the Community Tree [56k Warning]

Hello! Welcome to the first ever Zeldasages Community Tree Project.

Bellow is posted a simple naked tree. Please add on to it one person at a time. Example: I post this tree, then someone adds a present under the tree, or perhaps a menorah. Then they repost the modified image, and the next person adds to the newer one.


Happy Holidays!
May I ask how? Also, can you add a menorah under the tree, pleaz (yes, I celebrate Hanukah and Christmas)
Re: Decorate the Community Tree [56k Warning]

Just use an image editing program. MS Paint for instance. Then you can upload it to www.imageshack.us and post it here!

Here is the next step. I copied and pasted the above image into MS Paint, then added on a star. I uploaded it to imageshack.us and posted it here. The next person may do what ever they like to the tree. Remember, this is not a strict thread. You could put Chuck Norris on it if you wanted! :D

I know I've already dome 3 of these, but no one else was going to:

Happy Hannukah!

For the first night of Hanuka, I will be lighting the first candle. I'm not doing tomorrow nights, so someone better. :p



Happy tree killing!

I love how a tree takes hundreds of years to grow and then they cut it down and put it in New York for a month before making it into woodchips.