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Favorite game song


Hope Never Dies
What is your favorite game song?

If I had to choose, it would have to be Legend of Zelda's overworld theme, but there are a lot of others that I like... Others I like include:
1) Together we Ride - Fire Emblem
2) Saria's Song - LoZ: OoT
3) Mario overworld - Super Mario Bros.
4) Faster - Tetris, etc..................................

Also, a bunch from AW: DS

1) Andy's Anthem
2) Sami's theme
3) Sasha's theme
4) Sensei's theme
5) Eagle's theme
6) Hawke's theme
7) Lash's theme
8) Jake's theme
9) Blue Moon theme
10) Green Earth theme
11) Power
12) Super Power
13) Tag Power
14) It's a Trap!!!
15) Black Hole Super Power
16) That's a Wrap!
17) Heroes without Borders
18) For the Sake of Omega Land
19) Advance Wars Intro.

Phew! That's a lotta music!:D
LoZ Overworld
Mario Theme
Clouds overworld in Minish Cap
The End Credits of OoT, Minish Cap, and WW
Zelda's Theme

lol wow

I personally am a fan of the FF music, especially the FFX theme and Sephiroths Chant.
Indeed Slyguy, the KH music is extremely well done. I like Simple and Clean, Hikari, Simple and Clean (Remix), and Passion.
For some reason, I really like the opening music of Final Fantasty: Crystal Chronicals. My second and third favorite pieces are from TP's final boss fight. This will reveal who the final boss is. Read it if you wish.
My second favorite piece is the music played during the second stage of the fight in TP. Gannon is an awsome boss and well deserves his own music which is totally different than Gannondorf's. My third is in the first stage against Zelda, which is a mixing of Zelda's Lulaby Extended (a.k.a. Zelda's theme) from OoT and the new Gannondorf's Theme. Truly an awsome combo.
Probably the Song of Healing, not too sure why. A close second would be One Winged Angel from FF7.
yeah, the song of healing is a good song

i like the farewell king song after the ending battle in WW
Not really a song, but nothing beats hearing "Dottonomo Shinyo Dattome!" after a tough fight in Final Fantasy.

Thats It - Sephiroths Chant - One Winged Angel
Sephiroth's Chant hmm.............that's sorta a creepy name.....considering it has Sephiroth in it.....is that the one where they all start shouting in really high-pitched voices: "Seph-i-roth!!!"
I now have other favorites. The Orchestrated version of Goron City, and the TP intro. at least the one that i've heard. email me if you want a copy of the files or just use limewire and type in Legend of Zelda as the title.