Sage in Training
My friend is very weird, so he decided to make a fake sn and pretend to be some girl... this is the funniest thing ever.
xluvs2shop92: heyy
FR3SH to D3A7H: hey
FR3SH to D3A7H: who r u
xluvs2shop92: guess
FR3SH to D3A7H: idk
FR3SH to D3A7H: a girl i assume
xluvs2shop92: come onn
FR3SH to D3A7H: melinda...
xluvs2shop92: nopee
FR3SH to D3A7H: hmmm
FR3SH to D3A7H: jen
xluvs2shop92: ugh!
FR3SH to D3A7H: wat
xluvs2shop92: brb...fone
xluvs2shop92: sry
xluvs2shop92: jk its melinda
FR3SH to D3A7H: lol
FR3SH to D3A7H: ok
xluvs2shop92: sooooo....
xluvs2shop92: hows life? :]
FR3SH to D3A7H: good
FR3SH to D3A7H: u
xluvs2shop92: good..
xluvs2shop92: this hw is pretty gayy
FR3SH to D3A7H: wat
xluvs2shop92: my hw is gay
FR3SH to D3A7H: ok
FR3SH to D3A7H: i got tht part
FR3SH to D3A7H: wat hw
xluvs2shop92: math
FR3SH to D3A7H: o
FR3SH to D3A7H: whos' meneksem
xluvs2shop92: huh?
FR3SH to D3A7H: u made sum person IM me
FR3SH to D3A7H: meneksem
FR3SH to D3A7H: meneksem123 is the sn
FR3SH to D3A7H: who is tht
xluvs2shop92: h/o...moms calling, really sry
xluvs2shop92: sry
xluvs2shop92: umm...not sure
FR3SH to D3A7H: o
FR3SH to D3A7H: y did u IM me again after i blocked u
xluvs2shop92: that doesn't make much sense, but no i think u have the wrong person in mind
FR3SH to D3A7H: ur melinda?
xluvs2shop92: umm...yeah?
FR3SH to D3A7H: ur other sn is melinlemon12
xluvs2shop92: oh i made a new one so i could talk with u
FR3SH to D3A7H: lol
xluvs2shop92: mmm!!!
xluvs2shop92: do u even know who my math teacher iss
FR3SH to D3A7H: no
FR3SH to D3A7H: wat
xluvs2shop92: OMGGGGG
xluvs2shop92: my bf is sooo annoying!!!!
xluvs2shop92: :-(
FR3SH to D3A7H: sry
xluvs2shop92: he keeps txting me
FR3SH to D3A7H: o
FR3SH to D3A7H: wat were u sayin about ur math teacher
xluvs2shop92: ehh, hes a dick
FR3SH to D3A7H: o
FR3SH to D3A7H: sux
xluvs2shop92: yeah...
xluvs2shop92: he always stares at me.
FR3SH to D3A7H: sry
xluvs2shop92: u dont seem to care ;(
FR3SH to D3A7H: no sry srsly
xluvs2shop92: mm, so tell me how ur life is
FR3SH to D3A7H: it's good
xluvs2shop92: detail?
FR3SH to D3A7H: idk
FR3SH to D3A7H: like wat
xluvs2shop92: dunno...
xluvs2shop92: any special people
FR3SH to D3A7H: no
xluvs2shop92: come onn
FR3SH to D3A7H: i dun have a gf
xluvs2shop92: like anyone?
FR3SH to D3A7H: nope
FR3SH to D3A7H: why
xluvs2shop92: just curious
FR3SH to D3A7H: o
FR3SH to D3A7H: r u hitting on me
FR3SH to D3A7H: lol
FR3SH to D3A7H: ?
xluvs2shop92: maybe ;P
FR3SH to D3A7H: lol
xluvs2shop92: so...
FR3SH to D3A7H: yea
xluvs2shop92: tell me more about urself
FR3SH to D3A7H: like wat
xluvs2shop92: i dunoo...
xluvs2shop92: things u like...things u dont like..
FR3SH to D3A7H: idk i like basketball some sports girls chillin
xluvs2shop92: cool..
xluvs2shop92: we should chill sometime
FR3SH to D3A7H: lol k
FR3SH to D3A7H: dont u live in PA
xluvs2shop92: so?
FR3SH to D3A7H: it's kinda far
xluvs2shop92: we can think of something
FR3SH to D3A7H: r u asking me out
xluvs2shop92: maybe
xluvs2shop92: you should be asking me out
FR3SH to D3A7H: why
xluvs2shop92: cuz u kno..
FR3SH to D3A7H: cuz i dont have a gf?
xluvs2shop92: noo...not like that
FR3SH to D3A7H: why should i be asking u out
xluvs2shop92: cuz its jus like that.
xluvs2shop92: guys make the first step
FR3SH to D3A7H: u should come to nj or somtin u kno
xluvs2shop92: yeah i should..
xluvs2shop92: well
xluvs2shop92: actually
xluvs2shop92: i have some relatives in nj.
xluvs2shop92: were visiting them next week..
FR3SH to D3A7H: cool
FR3SH to D3A7H: wat part r u visiting
xluvs2shop92: i think its called like
xluvs2shop92: rochelle park or somethin
FR3SH to D3A7H: o
FR3SH to D3A7H: yeah thts where my school is
xluvs2shop92: cool
xluvs2shop92: whats it called?
FR3SH to D3A7H: sage day
FR3SH to D3A7H: same as munoz
FR3SH to D3A7H: dan munoz
xluvs2shop92: oh really?
FR3SH to D3A7H: yeah
FR3SH to D3A7H: thts how i know him
xluvs2shop92: hmm
xluvs2shop92: so...
xluvs2shop92: any malls nearby?
FR3SH to D3A7H: yes
xluvs2shop92: wahts it called?
FR3SH to D3A7H: garden state plaza
xluvs2shop92: sorry, but whats ur # again?
FR3SH to D3A7H: wat
FR3SH to D3A7H: i never gave u my number bfore
FR3SH to D3A7H: wat do u mean again
xluvs2shop92: well, doesnt matter
xluvs2shop92: my fones broken newayzz
FR3SH to D3A7H: o
xluvs2shop92: hmm..
xluvs2shop92: but we should seriously hang out when i get there
xluvs2shop92: cuz its just some boring relatives
xluvs2shop92: and my parents could probably drp me off there.
xluvs2shop92: sry
xluvs2shop92: i g2g
xluvs2shop92: ily
FR3SH to D3A7H: <3