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Make a 5-Letter Acronym


Hope Never Dies
Forum games usually help activity issues, at least at first and if people actually participate. This one's simple, make an acronym out of the previous 5 letters, and then give 5 letters for the next person.

Ex. CAKES > Crusty Alcoholic Kittens Eat Snails.

Start off with: ALIVE
Since Ides failed in a can and didn't make a new acronym, I'll make a new one.


Timid Elephants Dig Dark Yellow

(this explains your font color)
You're supposed to make it out of the one the person before leaves for you. Since Teddy did FOAMY, an example of something you could've done is Frantic Ocean Algae May Yell.

Juuuuuust for your future reference. You're also supposed to leave another 5 letters for the next person, and thus the game continues.

I'll do FOAMY where Teddy left off now:

Fanatic Obese Anarchists Make Yaks

Can we make a new rule that the acronyms actually have to mean something? Cause the last 5 or so are just random words.