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microsoft funt page is wer ???

Re: microsoft front page is where???

Erm...maybe a tech/computer store? Do you mean Microsoft Frontpage? Maybe Staples or a place like that? I don't know...
Yeah, you could most likely find it there. But I would say if you want to create a webpage, don't use Frontpage. Use something better like Dreamweaver. So much easier.
Frontpage = bad :)

It's so bad, Microsoft has discontinued the Frontpage product. I would use an editor such as Dreamweaver, which is in my opinion, the most superior consumer based editor on the market. Dreamweaver helped to make the very site you are visiting as a matter of fact ;).

You can find Dreamweaver at adobe.com, and you can test it out via a 30 day demo.
I agree with Bob, Microsoft Frontpage is a bad program to use. I would know, sadly we used it during my 7th and 8th grade year and when I was in the 8th grade year, that was when I knew quite a bit of HTML and that was when I thought the program was stupid. It's like working with HTML but it isn't... It sucks, that all I have to say about the program. I would recommend finding a different one, like the one Bob suggested. =] Any thing is better than Frontpage...