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Naruto the movie deserves a rating of 9 stars out of 10


The adventure that Naruto took was filled with action though not as much as many viewers would expect but. It had a lesson that we can all learn and incorporate into our daily lives. The lesson was "If you give up, your dream and evrything else end right there!" (a quote by Naruto). This is what Koyuki did when her father died ,and she never got around to be a princess who was kind, strong and a supporter of justice which was one of her dreams. My favorite parts of the movie was when Naruto used Rasengan on Dotou and he flew spinning crashing into the huge tall mountain. Also when Naruto got a photo of him in the hospital being kissed by Princess Kazahana Koyuki while he was drooling in his sleep ,which had Koyuki's signature on it.
This movie was great, but the second didn't live up to it...I hope the third is good. This movie was action-packed, and full of awesome, ninja goodness. I liked the part where
Kakashi uses his sharingan to hypnotize the princess, and makes her fall asleep...one of my many powers heh heh
naruto is good, but some of the fillers are REALLY bad..... I've seen all 218, soon to be 219, episodes. The first movie was awesome too.....