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Capt. Zeroth

We've all heard of it. Most of us have played it. We all have out opinion. Tell me your story. Here's mine:

(note: this is not a review)

Sigh... I remember it. I was probably 11. The hours of exploring dungeons, fighting dragons, and scamming noobs! Runescape! When we finally got cable modem, I decided to check this game out. Everyone was playing it, and best of all you could play for free! I soon became sucked into this virtual world. I was a noob. A big noob. I got lost traveling between Varock and Lumberger or whatever those towns were. I thought I was cool because I could kill chickens in 2 hits. I followed Zenzima around. I made and sold bread for 4gp. I talked like a noob, too. "sellng lobbys 80gp!!!1!!!111!1elevnty-one!!" ...Yeah. I was one of those guys.

When I realized I could go to another island, I was amazed. I had been living in a box. It opened another dimension to me. Soon, the free worlds were not enough. I became a member for $5 per month. Well worth it, right? I soon decided that training to fight was unprofitable. All I wanted was money. I became an exceptional cook, creating delicious pizzas and cakes. I made quite a bit of money. 5k per day. I used to pick and spin flax for people, too. It was now that I learned marketing techniques. I had people advertising for me, collecting baking materials and flax. I had certain trade runs where I would teleport into the back of the wilderness into my secret rune supply. I'd buy cheap and sell high. I basically created a mafia.

While my empire was running itself, I decided to train my fighting. I certainly had the money. So, I trained for a while, taking breaks to collect my money. I became a level 48; not too high, but it was enough.

Around this time, school started again, I was probably 12. Runescape interrupted my studies, so I decided to take a break from runescape. It was probably a month or more before I returned. I stopped becoming a member, runescape became boring. I realized I had wasting my time. Even now I have no idea how I liked runescape. Running back and forth. Getting grain. Running to the mill. Running to the cook's guild. Running to the market. Running to the bank. My god. Everyone was a noob. Their languages. "Lobbys" Wtf is that? Their grammar offended me. I vowed to leave runescape and never return. I decided to use grammar to my ability. I gave my account away. I have no idea where it is now. I pestered my younger brother into ending his play and wasting his money. He did. It was only recently (yesterday) I found him playing, and he has inspired me to write this.

Runescape is stupid.
I used to play a little, but I don't rally play at all now.

P.S. Don't tell tinyslam about this thread. He'd freak!
I don't really play, I used to be like zach, but alas, I am also free. I haven't played in at least 6 months...and I won't really go back too much...

I'm probably the reason you started playing :cool:

It all started when my friends who played Age of Mythology (including "Sample") talked me into creating an account. I really thought it was stupid at start but eventually it grew on me. Until it grew out of control. Eventually all of my friends who played AoM with me went back to playing AoM and I was pretty much alone, playing Runescape. I was hooked though.

Then one Thanksgiving I was to go over to my cousins house. ("i_am_a_teddy"). I forced him to create an account and i got him hooked :D

so im pretty sure he told his friends who told their friends who told their friends. which is why i am probably part of the reason you started.

so anyway, i played for a year or so. some point along the way i became a member. but then i stopped for a couple months. i actually loaned my account to andrew for a while^_^. this was until i decided to play again. then i stoped and then i played. ya it went like that for a while.

until one day someone stole my dad's credit card. he blamed it on runescape so i was no longer a member. forced to find a way to be a member again i asked my friends if they wanted to share an account with me. they did and they payed for it :D

then "cesar" reported me... lol

so i stopped.

I've played sooo much that i forgot a lot of the things i did. i do remember focusing on fishing for months and months. I remember focusing on fletching for months. my account is currently being used by a friend. I think. lol. he's a level 85-90 with a total lvl of 1300-1400. i forgot the exact

writing this makes me want to go back to playing :'(

i think ill go check it out ^_^
Okay, so i started playing a few years ago and after what i believe was a month i stopped. Then at around November i believe, i went to the library after school and saw someone playing it. So i got on and i hadn't stopped playing since. I finally did stop playing after someone had scammed me. like the bastards that they are because they said that they would sell an account to me for 10k gold. i agreed, then they said that if i would go back they would report me for scamming so i was trapped, i payed up, the bitch changed that accounts password so i couldn't get into it. i got reported for walking around a bank calling that person a scammer and so i just kept getting scammed after that. I got scammed another time when i was mining for gold with someone and my adamant pick axe head flew off and they grabbed it and told me to pay 5k for it. i refused, had to go buy a new pickaxe and I almost broke my laptop. I met a lot of cool people after that incident but i got bored of the game and stopped playing. I tried going back once but i had nothing to do. it was really, really boring. so i got off, and checked my account on here! I might get a WoW account because according to a lot of my friends that game is awesome. A lot of people at my school play it. But I need money for it. and my mom needs to pay bills so i doubt that i'll be able to, at least not for a while. But once i get a patch for my computer my friend will let me borrow his Elder Scrolls VI: Oblivion game and once i install it i'll have to give it back because patch's allow you to play games with out need for the CD. Well that's all... Runescape blows, WoW (according to my friends) is better, and Elder Scrolls rules all.
lol... you guys are newbs :)

yah, runescape is full of scammers and people who don't know how to play. the tutorialat the beginning barely teaches you anything and the banning system catches probably, 1% of "illegal" activity
Ah yes, I have been playing this game from nearly the dawn of time, for over 5 years now (On and off, mostly off). I remember when we only had 2-D models and we liked it. I rarely play, resulting in a meager total of 950-1050 levels (I don't feel like checking) over my time among the newbies and n00bs. I find that the best way to play it is with a split screen reading a webcomic. Otherwise the boredom becomes completely overwhelming. :( Very little happens at any one time.