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The iPhone ... So Beautiful

I might get it, because it is so ... Wii-like - innovative. I may be able to get it cheaper as I have a connection with AT&T.
I know somebody who uses Mac almost exclusively, and the resemblences between Mac and the Wii are actually quite strong.
Hmmm ... or a birthday or RANDOM gift. Need iPhone as who wants to carry a phone AND an iPod (Rheutorical)?
I'd buy it, if I used Cingular or ATT. I really want one though, it'd be great considering I don't have an iPod either...or a very good phone.
OK, then go buy a Zune (haha). Anyway, GO iPhone and Apple, Inc. (no longer Apple Computer, Inc.)
My god, do you people buy everything that comes out? Don't you see that the iPhone is extremely overpriced so that these big corporations can make more money? And besides, everyone is going to have these eventually and it won't even be "cool" to have them anymore.

When the iPod came out everyone bought one. But me, NO. I spent 300$ on a creative Zen Microphoto. I, for one, will not feed the giant businesses that are already floating in cash!

Damn rich people...
eh ... I didn't get an iPod until two years after it came out, so don't go doing that. The iPhone is just ... SOO SHINY!
I have to agree with yoyoll on this one... it may be shiny but it is definitly over priced... it's a cell phone

id rather buy two more wiis and give them to nuns
Buying the iPhone will only support the giant corporations and make them even more powerful. By consuming their products you're selling your so called freedom. Once they get powerful enough, they'll monopolize these businesses and we're gonna lose our modern conveniences (like mp3 players) because they'll only be affordable by the rich. These people don't try to make a society where everyone has mp3 players, they're trying to take it over and overprice it even more for their own good and no one elses. These guys don't need this money, they just wanted!
Buying the iPhone will only support the giant corporations and make them even more powerful. By consuming their products you're selling your so called freedom. Once they get powerful enough, they'll monopolize these businesses and we're gonna lose our modern conveniences (like mp3 players) because they'll only be affordable by the rich. These people don't try to make a society where everyone has mp3 players, they're trying to take it over and overprice it even more for their own good and no one elses. These guys don't need this money, they just wanted!

Good proof, except for the monopoly laws. They prevent a company from owning more than 60% (roughly) of a specific kind of device or service. An example of this is when AT&T was the only major phone company, and they were forced to split off 70% of their value into new companies. With several companies at work, you develop competition and competition lowers prices.
In other words, the gov't will intervene if they become too powerful.