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Oh, yea, that. Well, it's a brand new day, I obliterated a lot of rust from my car, and I haven't had a small child attempt to bombar me with love since Thursday, hehe.
Gragh! I'm not THAT old. Maybe I can sucker people into coming online on a Saturday with promises of candy and treats, only for them to realize they're virtual candies and treats. Won't be any different from the Facebook gifts app :D.
Wow... It's been nearly 3 years since she's been online at this place... God only knows what she's doing now... God knows I miss her soo much... You see, Guardian of Ice was my true love. However, in a blind twist of fate, she was taken from me. Now... Man... I just wish I really had her back, but I know she isn't coming back. Hell, she hasn't even been at this place for nearly 3 years... I hope that, one day, me and her get back together and we can be together forever, because we are meant to be.
Isn't that one of the pictures you drew? I loved last night; your house feels so comfortable. ;) My allergies finally seemed to calm down; I was right, I think it has to do with my brothers' house, but my allergies seem to calm down/ completely go away when I'm over here. How has my darling lover been? Any new things happened to you? Oh! Guess what? My mom wants you to come over to my house, and she said that you can come over whenever you want. Talk about Zelda Magic working to my ultimate advantage: I'm pretty sure that my mom is cool with us, but just in case, I'm not gonna tell her until the last minute; 2-3 years from today, maybe...
Hi, Shinobi!!! Hearts all around the world, just for you! I wish I could take away your pain. I love you so much!
Tehee I am on my brothers iPhone bored at Amarillo college, I was saposed to go to the gym but shockingly they close early today. P.S. Hearts everywhere...