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  1. I

    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    He's also making a fairly important campaign statement. At all his talks in the Mideast and Europe he's trying to divorce himself from the memory of the Bush administrations foreign policy. In most speeches he's attempting to tell the rest of the world that he won't go with the "If you're not...
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    I wanna be the guy!

    I have recently come across the hardest game ever. I wanna be the guy, is the epic tale of the kid who sets out on a journey to defeat the guy, and thus become the guy himself. That is all the story you are given before being thrusted into the vicious world of this game. The game makes no...
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    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    Are you seriously trying to compare a political candidate you don't like with a terrorist leader who is responsible for unmeasurable death and destruction? What's sad is just how many republicans have already picked up and ran with the Obama/Osama thing. Despite the fact that there is no...
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    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    Polls are fickle, the issue with Wright is currently fading from public focus. This is due to a variety of reasons, partly because of Obama addressing the issue of race in his speech, partly because of new news taking the spotlight, such as Richardson's endorsment, or Hillary's comments...
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    Dresden Codak

    This is a great webcomic that I've been reading for some time now: http://dresdencodak.com/index.html It's style is often surrealist/absurdist in the earlier comics, though it develops into a deeper story line later on. Since this story line depends on having read the earlier comics, I'd start...
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    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    You don't think Americans were to blame for 9/11? You might want to tell that to a pair of prominent conservatives... Partial transcript of comments from the September 13, 2001 telecast of the 700 Club PAT ROBERTSON:Jerry, that's my feeling. I think we've just seen the antechamber to...
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    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    Barack Obama has repeadtedly denounced this guy's comments when he's veered into racism like this.
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    Custom-Made Oil-Pooping Bacteria

    If you think that's interesting, check out the rest of TED videos. Most of them are truly incredible.
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    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    Yeah, while Obama still has about the same lead in overall delegates, atomic tuesday was still a victory for the Clinton campagins in several ways. The first and obviously most important is that Obama's momentum has been stopped, before these primaries, many of her supporters were begining to...
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    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    While Nader did screw over Gore in 2000, in 2004 he didn't get nearly enough votes to matter, and he'll probably get even less in 2008. He's basically running because of his ego at this point.
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    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    Yeah, America did a great job of setting itself up as the 'evil empire' that Castro needed in order to rally the population behind himself.
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    The Official Zeldasages Political Thread

    Obama said that he would meet with Raul for purpose of trying to achieve change. He would only meet with them if reform is one of the items on the agenda. Personally I think this is the better choice, because ignoring Cuba for years has accomplished nothing.
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    Electoral Compass: Discover Your Position

    No suprises here, I was closest to Obama and farthest from Huckabee.
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    The political humor motherload

    On FSTDT, nothing tops these gems: No, everyone is born Christian. Only later in life do people choose to stray from Jesus and worship satan instead. Atheists have the greatest "cover" of all, they insist they believe in no god yet most polls done and the latest research indicates that they...
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    The political humor motherload

    With it being primary season, I decided to post some links to random political humor websites I like. Feel free to add your own to the list. Warning: as this thread is going to be full of politics, if you have any opinion about anything, you will most likely get offended...
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    Futurama: Bender's Big Score

    We already have 3 more movies to look forward to. The deal they made with Fox was to make 4 movies total, with the first being Bender's Big Score. Comedy Central will chop these movies up into episodes and air them as a new season, along with all the old episodes they aquired. If the DVD sales...
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    Futurama: Bender's Big Score

    I recently picked up the DVD of the new Futurama movie, Bender's Big Score, and I have to say that it is brilliant in every sense of the word. Despite being canceled for several years, the show has lost none of it's quality or spirit. For anyone who's ever enjoyed the series, seeing this is a...
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    What Next?

    Metal Gear Mario: The Twin Toads
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    What Next?

    Battle Field Mushroom Kingdom
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    What Next?

    As you all know Mario has been in a HUGE variety of games. He started in platformers but now participates in Sports games, kart racing, parties, fighting games, and RPG's. Where do you think the plumber will be going next? Dance Dance Revoloution Mario? Grand Theft Mushroom? Mario Prime? Post...