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The political humor motherload

With it being primary season, I decided to post some links to random political humor websites I like. Feel free to add your own to the list.

Warning: as this thread is going to be full of politics, if you have any opinion about anything, you will most likely get offended.

Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

The most brilliant website on the list, an archive of the most hilarious, bizarre, ignorant, bigoted, and terrifying quotes from fundies all over the internet! I'd recommend starting with top 100, for the most incredible examples of religious insanity.


Super News!

This series of flash cartoons lampoons politics and popular culture. From "Rambo Fights the War on Terror" to an extended cut of Mike Gravel's "Rock" commercial it's got it all. I'd recommend starting with their takes on the first debates of the primary season:


Filibuster Cartoons
A huge archive of political cartoons. The artist of the site is Canadian so many of them deal with Canadian politics, but it also has a fair amount of good ones concerning American politics.

Stewart vs Colbert vs Conan
The three gods of the talk-show universe wage an epic battle to decide once and for all, which of them created Mike Huckabee. Whoever wins, Mitt Romney loses.
Become Republican
This one is a little old, it came out not too long after the 2004 election, and feels a little dated. That being said, I still find it hilarious.

That's all for now, feel free to add your own, laugh, or start a massive flame war, whatever works.
Rather interesting films/information/humor :). Just as an add-in for anyone, regardless of what your political affiliation is there's something here to laugh at for everyone :D. Great findings!
Haha, this one I found pretty funny:
Athiests as a Majority

This is what it would be like, if the majority of people were athiests.
ATHIEST KID: Mom, I'm going to go **** a hooker.
ATHIEST MOM: Okay, son.
ATHIEST KID: Afterwards, I'm going to go smoke pot with my friends, since it's "not addictive."
ATHIEST MOM: Okay, come home soon!

The athiest kid leaves the room. The father comes home from work several minutes later.

ATHIEST MOM: Hi, honey! I'm pregnant again. I guess I'll just get another abortion, since "fetuses don't count as human life."
ATHIEST DAD: Okay, get as many abortions as you want!
ATHIEST MOM: Oh, and don't go in the bedroom.
ATHIEST MOM: There are two gay men ******* eachother in there.
ATHIEST DAD: Why are they here?
ATHIEST MOM: I wanted to watch them do it for awhile. They just aren't finished yet.
ATHIEST DAD: Okay, that's fine with me!

Suddenly, their neighbor runs into the house.

ATHIEST NEIGHBOR: Come quick, there's a Christian outside!
ATHIEST MOM: We'll be right there!

The athiest couple quickly put on a pair of black robes and hoods. They then exit the house, and run into the street, where a Christian is nailed to a large, wooden X. He is being burned alive. A crowd of athiests stand around him, all wearing black robes and hoods.

RANDOM ATHIEST: Damn you, Christian! We hate you! We claim to be tolerant of all religions. But we really hate your's! That's because we athiests are hypocritical like that! Die, Christian!


Scary, isn't it?
Yeah- I watch the Colbert Report so that huge fight I saw. Very funny.

This is pretty funny.
On FSTDT, nothing tops these gems:

No, everyone is born Christian. Only later in life do people choose to stray from Jesus and worship satan instead. Atheists have the greatest "cover" of all, they insist they believe in no god yet most polls done and the latest research indicates that they are actually a different sect of Muslims.


I can sum it all up in three words: Evolution is a lie