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Forum Issue Administration Announcements

You should also add on there that if you want the 20 post counts, it won't be anonymous. You lying bastard.
To Zeroth:
I'm investigating the issue; did the new posts in forum icon show up (did the ZS logo change from grayed out to gold) or was there no notification whatsoever?

To yoyolll:
It says so in the form + I only ask for the time you took the survey because I would be able to see some survey came in at that time. The database won't tell me which survey is identified with that time, I simply would know you took the survey. The only way I would know for certain it was you who sent in a specific set of responses is if you supplied your username.

Found the issue. Because only staff actually have the ability to post in the announcements area, the new posts engine will only display new posts for them. In other words, if you do not have permission to post in a certain area Vbulletin won't bother displaying the content to you as a new post when you do a new post search. This same logic works with things posted in he Sacred Realm, Staff area, and other restricted areas. This is apparently a feature built into the software by default. If I made a bug report to Jelsoft they would list it as "working as designed", but if it's really worth it to you guys I can throw it up to see what will happen. Thoughts?
You could set the AA forum available for all to post, but close the threads as soon as you create them. Or you could just let us post in them, Dictator Bob.
The reason I have posting replies disabled in announcements for members is to prevent clutter in threads that are meant to specifically be announcements. You are always free to make a thread to discuss any announcement you see fit in the appropriate area.

The thread closing is an idea, but it seems kinda worthless to put in the effort when the AA is the top most forum with a very easy to identify bright gold icon next to it if there's a new post. If you guys really want that though I'd be for it...but again...kinda lame ;).
I honestly don't care about being unable to post there. I'd much rather be able to see important information then have to deal with other people's comments. If there's no other way to get them to show up in new posts so be it, I can live the with new post icon that's right next to it :).