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Aunoma says OoT "Not that good"


Deus Ex Machina

Yup. The director of MM, WW, and TP and dungeon designer of OoT says that the greatness of OoT is all in people's heads. Sure it was a good game at the time, but it has been considered this good for this long because of the big impact in made that caused people to remember it, then memory and nostalgia took over from there.

What do you guys think? Yes? No? Aunoma off his rocker?
I didn't play it until two years ago and I thought it was better than any of the Zelda games out today.
I think he's just trying to drum up more support for newer Zelda projects. In my opinion, OOT still has the mark.
I disagree with Aunoma. I haven't played all of the Legend Of Zelda games out there today, but even so, I believe that the Legend of Zelda and the OoT is the best one yet. People can argue that the graphics aren't as good as the more modern ones; But the concepts and ideas that went into making OoT are far superior, in general, to anything else I have played Zelda-wise. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was my first video game and I still enjoy playing it today.
That's pretty funny. OOT was one of my favorite games.

MM, on the other hand, while it wasn't bad, wasn't the best zelda of the franchise, imo.
Well, that's blasphemy right there. MM was amazing compared to OoT.

And yes OoT was good when compared to games of its time. But compared apples to apples of a modern game, OoT is lame. That's what Aunoma is getting at when saying this. I agree with him that a lot of it is nostalgia (it was Faerieking's first game for example, so of course he'll like it).