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Beyond Mortal Comprehension

Some of you may remember the sanity breaking, reality warping, game, I Wanna Be The Guy. This 'game' consisted of some of the greatest trials ever devised by mankind. After many tribulations, and nearly losing all semblance of sanity, I won this game and became The Guy, and gained the enlightenment that comes with the title.

However, what some of you may not know is that there is a higher echelon of greatness offered by this game. To achieve this level, one must accomplish something that has never before been done by anyone anywhere. They must beat I Wanna Be The Guy on Impossible Mode. This mode is quite aptly named. In this version, there are no save points. None. At all. This means you must navigate through the entire game, every inhuman obstacle, every pixel perfect jump, every insane boss, without making a single mistake.

Since the dawn of the I Wanna Be The Guy era, this feat has been thought to be beyond mortal ability. However one The Guy has recently come closer than ever before, and in a single impossible run, defeated four bosses, clearing roughly half the game without a single mistake.

No one knows what will happen when someone manages to complete the entire game, however many The Guy scholars have speculated that this champion will ascend to a higher plane of existence upon his victory, becoming a being beyond mortal comprehension.

Prepare yourselves; the messiah shall soon emerge from among us!

I had a hard enough time keeping my sanity during normal mode. How any individual can even stand that much concentration is beyond me.

Hmmm, I'm wondering if whichever individual can successfully beat IWBTG on impossible mode will be the embodiment of the second coming of Christ. I ponder, if after his discovery, the world will be thrown into an unstoppable apocolypse...

Only time can tell...
Holy **** that thing's not human. Or maybe it's an asian. Or maybe it's a super extra terrestrial being. Or maybe it's a hacker.

Still, I can't believe what I just saw.


You wanna know what it will probably say when someone beats the game?

Congradulations, now go get a life.
That was amazing. It reminds me of when I had this Jurassic Park game for my gameboy and it didn't let you save so I had to beat it without messing up too badly. I did it eventually though. hahaha
Just... Brilliance... Amazingness... Ungodliness...

How in the heck can ANYONE do that?! Maybe one boss could be considered lucky or a fluke, but this... Bullet Room, Tetris, Kirbyland chase scene, Kraidgeif, ALL OF F***ING METROID IN ONE SHOT, the evil couch area, the sadistic disappearing blocks area, Tyson, THE WHOLE GRAVEYARD INCLUDING THE SPIKED CORRIDOR OF HORRIFIC DEATH, AND Mecha Birdo... ON ONE FRIKEN LIFE...


I demand an explanation. o.o
Explanation (in order of likeliness):
Hacker (most likely Korean)
Asian (most likely Korean)
Extra Terrestrial (perhaps Korean)