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Breath of the Wild - Nintendo Switch

Along with this video... I am also happy to report that it's official. March 3rd marks the release of the Nintendo Switch, priced at $299.99. Along with its release, Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild will also be released on that very same day. There's also a Deluxe Edition of Breath of the Wild only available for a short time. This Deluxe Edition is on the Nintendo Wii U, but it comes with some great trinkets and such.

There's also talk about the New Mario game... It's called Super Mario Odyssey. This is also a first for the Mario Series as well... This particular Mario game places you in a GTA style Open World... Yep, that's right. Super Mario Odyssey is an Open World Mario Game... It's like when Nintendo released the Breath of the Wild, they had to have the Mario Game do the same. Soo, it'll be pretty interesting to see how an Open World Mario Game is going to play out...

There's also Dragon Quest games being released, Bethesda is releasing Skyrim for the Switch, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Ed. is also coming to the Switch, and many more. If you haven't already, get down to your closest Gaming Store and reserve your Nintendo Switch today!! I went to my GameStop (the one I actually work at) and I reserved my system. You have to place a $50 deposit on it, but I think it's truly worth it. We've been waiting for these types of games for a long time. Now's the time to finally act and get yours today!!

I will also be attempting a Livestream of the Switch and Breath of the Wild on my Twitch Channel (twitch.tv/zeldaguardian), soon as I have my console and game. Soo, everyone is more than welcome to come to the channel and check it all out!! I hope to see everyone again soon. Let's get some more replies going on!! Go ahead and reply with your comments and thoughts about the Switch and games coming up soon. Ready?? GO!!!