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Build your army

Please, try and spell your ships' names correctly. I believe you mean 'Interdictor' not 'Indicator'. There's a bit of a difference.

Oh, and the souls of the damned bypass shields.
Wait, why don't we all join forces against Earth and take it over? That would make more sense than fightin' each other.
Star Wars takes place 'In a galaxy far, far away'. Your entire crew would be dead several hundred years over, and Star Destroyers aren't ment to be generational ships. Earth is safe, for now...

I suppose I could just use a Dalek Voidship to make the jump instantly, but four Daleks is a bit much against a population of several billion. The Cult of Skaro would be overkill (Wikipedia for details).
You see I have discovered a worm hole that leads right with in an easy light speed jump to.......Earth!!!!!
Even though I don't wish for you to annihilate the Earth, I will let you for I hop from world to world, and have decided to make my home elsewhere.
My forces already are planning an invasion of a planet for me to conquer. It shall be done, quick and easy, for the glory of Versac.
Oh, just some place far, far, far away (one more than Star Wars) that has a stategic position for my "training" grounds.
Okay, just before this gets mentioned, NO TIME TRAVEL. It hasn't come up yet, but I thought I'd just mention it now. Violaters will be getting a visit from The Doctor.
Well Sly, so long as it's not Mars nor Drilon (my Star Wars planet in the Unknown Region) I'm fine.
I'll join the fun!

My Entire Army:

A dysfunctional robot named Gir. Fear him.

Im gonna' eat a MUFFINNZZZ!1!1!!one1!

Fear him...
Wasn't that from an old Nickelodian Cartoon ... Invader Zim, or something like that. Anyway, no Dakare, my target is much more ... strategically located than Mars or Drilon. It is ... END TRANSMITION.
The picture is from invader zim, and how I remember that, I have no idea whatsoever. If I like the target, as I've said, I will have to obliterate you...PERSONALLY.
I'll join the fun!

My Entire Army:

A dysfunctional robot named Gir. Fear him.

Im gonna' eat a MUFFINNZZZ!1!1!!one1!

Fear him...
i WILL use my entire army to get that muffin...

and then pack it with bombs and give a bite of it to everyone's army general and they will all explode :)

ooooooooh... my war plan has been revealed >_<