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Review Call of Duty: Finest Hour (PS2)


Overview: You're doing battle in WW2's European theatre. Yes, that means lots of explosions and people getting killed.

Graphics: 7/10
This game's really trying to push the PS2, but I think it's fine just where it is.
Since it's Call of Duty, there's a lot going on on the screen. The explosions look kind of foggy, but the machine gun fire is nice and vibrant.
The graphics have a sort of dark grainy quality about them, whether you're looking at the characters on screen or the environments. Many of the levels are very dark, so play in a room without a lot of windows...or just nail boards over them like I did.
The grittiness of the graphics help out the atmosphere of the conflict, which is the most important thing you should keep in mind about this game's graphics.

Sound: 8/10
First off there's a great orchestral soundtrack to help out the intensity of the combat. Some feel it makes the game less realistic to have all that music playing, but I feel it gets you more into the action experience.
The explosions sound like there's chunks of stuff flying everywhere, unlike in games like GRAW where there's one solid BOOM. The weapons all sound decent. The sound of the PPSH makes me shiver with delight, I don't know why.
This game has lots of background screaming in certain levels (like Stalingrad) which really freaked me out. It gives it a really horrific sense of scale which I find neat. Otherwise the voices all function normally, nothing too noteworthy. Your comrades give you pointers, and the enemies call you wienerschnitzels. Same old good stuff.

Gameplay: 8/10
This game moves sort of slowly compared to other FPSs. Weapons dont fire too rapidly (except for the PPSH and MG42) and so combat sometimes feels a tad clunky. The controls function nicely, but your onscreen character moves slower than you do, so having quick reflexes doesn't make you quite as lethal in this game.
The single player compaign throws lots of variety at you. You get to snipe, drive a tank, and the levels are not too repetitive.

The multiplayer is a decent experience. It supports 16 people over broadband only, and the gameplay itself functions just like the single player. You get access to all the weapons for each side.
The maps are based on the game's levels, supporting the standard FPS modes.
The multiplayer may seem very bland to you for a while, but keep looking til you find a really fun action packed game (usually CTF) to get in on. Then, I can assure you, you'll have a ton of intense fun.


Other stuff:
>Enemy AI is not dumb as a rock, thankfully.

>The single player gets VERY hard in some of the levels.

>The graphics are too jaggy to play comfortably for a long time. My eyes started to hurt.
Good review. I personally got tired of all the WWII games, and the fact that all of them are in the European theater after Normandy. Except Secret Weapons Over Normandy, which ends on D-Day. But that's not an FPS.
I would personally like a WWII shooter where you play as several soldiers in the different theaters, each battle coming in chronological order ... is that just me?
Great review zoberflote. I would like to see a game that encompasses all theatres as well, since CoD: BRO only covers North Africa (Rommel, w00t!), and europe. The only WWII game that I know is not europe is MoH: Rising Sun, but that is short and doesn't have battles that I know.....
It would be awesome if you could go from one battle to the next, while simaultaniously being a member of the four branches of the Armed Forces (e.g. going from the Battle of Anzio, a stricktly land based battle, to the Batle of the Coral Sea, a Dogfight only battle.

Game Developers, start your engines!
I would personally like a WWII shooter where you play as several soldiers in the different theaters, each battle coming in chronological order ... is that just me?

Well this game does sort of feature that, though not exactly in chronological order.
Each theatre in the game (Norht Africa, Russia, Belgium, etc.) is played through the eyes of a different soldier and his friends.

Is that sort of like what you were looking for?
Well some of them were happening at once...but not all of them. it would have been neat.

And I want a MAMMOTH WW2 game like CoD3 that covers the WHOLE WAR. Wouldn't that be SICK!?!?!