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classic nes zelda

Link and Navi

I wan't your insights on this, should Nintendo make the classic NES Zelda game but make it 3-d( have the same features, fix the shield thing, but still have the same locations of stuff)?
I had no idea what to do or where to go...The best part was obviously the music. =P

No, I do not think it should be remade in any way, shape or form... It is available for the GBA though...
They shouldn't do that, but instead release the BS remake version of it. It had 16 bit graphics and was designed for the SNES sattelite add-on, so it should be better.
Eh, I don't know about it not selling well. Think about it: It's a Zelda game. Think about how well the Wii Zapper sold because it had a game with Link in it with it.

I jut don't think it would go well if it were in 3D. They should just release the BS version on WiiWare (as I have previously stated).
Stop supporting Nintendo's cheap Zelda-milking strategy to get whatever is in your pockets.

I think it's about damn time they stopped making Zelda games, but nintendo fanboys just eat this stuff up.
Eh, I don't know about it not selling well. Think about it: It's a Zelda game. Think about how well the Wii Zapper sold because it had a game with Link in it with it.

I jut don't think it would go well if it were in 3D. They should just release the BS version on WiiWare (as I have previously stated).
wrong. I don't mean to be mean but the only reason the zapper sold well was because it was a gun. I doubt that a 10 year old kid who's new to videogaming cares too much about the zelda franchise. The only reason Nintendo would put something like this out there would be to satisfy the longtime nintendo fan boys that think nintendo isn't giving them enough hardcoreness...
Eh, I guess you're partly right, animal.

And yoyolll, they've already made a remake of LoZ, just not in America. So I say just bring it over and save the trouble of making a new game. And why do you care what people spend their money on? And why be annoyed about Nintendo continueing a game series that has been pretty awesome so far? It is other things that Nintendo is doing that is annoying me.
Nintendo is one of those giant corporations I've been warning you about. Throwing your money at them makes them more powerful, look at Trump. He's basically recreating Scotland with his money. A recreation is a small step but a step nontheless in Nintendo's goal to become a huge power.
I think that a remake of the classic zelda would be a bad thing for the series, because we, as fans, expect more than just a rehash of an old game for a well respected series.

However, I do hope that Nintendo is working on a new Zelda game (hopefully one after TP in the storyblock).
Nintendo is one of those giant corporations I've been warning you about. Throwing your money at them makes them more powerful, look at Trump. He's basically recreating Scotland with his money. A recreation is a small step but a step nontheless in Nintendo's goal to become a huge power.
haha, why do you have several hundreds of posts on a nintendo franchise fan website?

But money shouldn't really be a concern to Nintendo which I guess is why they aren't doing the smaller things that will make the long time zelda fans happy... whatever happened to bonus dungeons sent to us through nintendo's online system? :D

God help you, I can't get through to anyone. You're all doomed....

But anyway, Zelda should end.
Wow, you guys are hilarious... I'm actually laughing out loud- it's ridiculous. Anyway, I'm not going to delete this spam because you will probably post it again so I'll just wait until another moderator deletes it.
Deleting spam has no significant effect because I'm gonna spam anyway. If you were actually bothered by it, you would ban me and get it over with, but obviously, you're not.