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Currently listening to?

There's no reason to close it, it's the most active thread on the forum. It was the same bullshit with the enlightenment thread, for some reason when a thread is actually active unlike the rest of the website, the staff like to close it.

No Quarter by Led Zeppelin.
The Enlightenment Thread held some sort of discussion that enriched the minds of others. And I made that thread and loved it like a son! Then when Bob went crazy and gave Demoncrat admin powers one day, SHE deleted it. Cause it was spammy or something like that. I was outraged to say the least..

Neighborhood #3 (Power Out) by Arcade Fire
To be completely honest, this is complete spam. The enlightenment thread was actual discussion. This is just listing the song you're listening to. There are other things you can talk about that will keep the forums active.

Little Deuce Coupe by The Beach Boys
That's doing a great job, look how active we are. The only other post today was in the stupid acronym thread. And this is not spam. The point was to tell people what you are listening to and that's what we are doing. Go troll elsewhere.

Royal Orleans by Led Zeppelin.
I'm currently listening to yoyolll and Dakare having an argument about whether or not this thread is spam. I do not think that this thread is spam. I quite like it.