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Currently listening to?

Le Festin (The Feast) by Camille

Les rêves des amoureux sont comm’(e) le bon vin
Ils donn(ent) de la joie ou bien du chagrin
Affaibli par la faim je suis malheureux
Volant en chemin tout ce que je peux
Car rien n’est gratuit dans la vie
tis not the gutiar hero version...i had to little information to submit it so i just added that to make it longer. do not fret, it is the real version
Just beause you don't like doesn't mean not everybody htes it.. I enjoy it for the music and I don't believe I can play guitar because IO play GH...
Sweet Child 'O Mine by the sucky cover artist on Guitar Hero 2. I could rip my eardrums out its so horrible.


yay, its off :)

now Sweet Child 'O Mine by Guns 'n Roses.
