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Currently listening to?

Festive Dance from Faust
(I don't know the artist off the top of my head)

If you dis this, Versac and I will come after you. It was such a fun song to play!
Festive Dance from Faust
(I don't know the artist off the top of my head)

If you dis this, Versac and I will come after you. It was such a fun song to play!
By Charles Gounod originally, but arranged by Andrew Glover.

Festive Dance - theme song for a german scientist who's slowly going insane after he sold his soul to the devil in exchange for a sandwich youth. Even the song manages to be schizophrenic! What's not to like?
By Charles Gounod originally, but arranged by Andrew Glover.

Festive Dance - theme song for a german scientist who's slowly going insane after he sold his soul to the devil in exchange for [FONT=&quot]a sandwich[/FONT] youth. Even the song manages to be schizophrenic! What's not to like?
That sounds interesting, explain?
Poor Doggie by the Eagles of Death Metal

Oop, now it's Cherry Cola by the Eagles of Death Metal
Miss Alissa by The Eagles of Death Metal.

Ha, my friend turned me onto them a few days ago and I can't seem to get enough of them...