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Currently listening to?

Island Girl by Elton John

and now

Rosanna by Toto

I got the new iPod nano...its fun to shake it to shuffle
but i don't think the battery is lasting like its supposed to.
Spay by Velvet Revolver

If you keep using the accelerometer then the battery won't last long. Not to mention that, plus it is a larger screen to power than old Nanos.
Island Girl by Elton John

and now

Rosanna by Toto

I got the new iPod nano...its fun to shake it to shuffle
but i don't think the battery is lasting like its supposed to.
A quarter of Apple's income goes to the customer service people who are specially trained to try to find out why you seem to be the only one not getting anywhere near as much battery life on your iPod as they claimed you would.
devil went down to georgia- by some guy
live and let die- by the beatles (I think)
wreath of seven stars- by cadacross
morningstar- by cadacross