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Currently listening to?

Zydrate Anatomy
I can't stop. I saw the movie Saturday and I've listened to the song 12time on my ipod close to thirty times on youtube and i don't know how many more cuz thats just today
the buzzing noises in my brain caused by the amount of caffine i consumed to survive dinner with the family. bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz it changes pitch to confuse me
Kaze No Ne by Fujimoto Yae

Theme song from the original Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. Don't know why I'm getting into that series again, but whatever.
Chocolate Girl by Animal Collective.

It's such a good song :D Find it now and listen to it. At the soft parts, they use animal sounds. Go to a swamp at night and listen, cause that's what they use..

Yoyolll.... just add a stupid comment/tag-on -.-
I'm listening to Life is Like a Boat from Bleach. It's one of my favorite songs from the series, and I've been trying to learn it on the piano. Unfortunately, I've been failing terribly. :p
"Gap" by the Kooks.

It's such a nice song. It makes me feel like I'm standing in a cave during a major turning point in my emotional life. Yeah, it's weird.
I'm the smartest, and the toughest. I will find a hole and F**k it. If there ain't one, I will make one. Luigi don't take **** from no one! One brain- mark it up! Only I've got brains enough! that's why dad will leave geneco to meee! ME! ME! ME! ME!

Repo! the genetic opera....
Code Monkey by Jonathan Coultman has been stuck in my head all day. Why fight it?

Oh, and I'm not dead. I was in Florida.