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Dark Knight sequel?


yea just saw the Dark Knight, really thought it was good. I cant help but wonder if they'll make a sequel because the ending really made it seem like they will, but I haven't heard anythin about it. Also does anyone speculate that catwoman will make an appearance, after lucius fox's comment.
yea just saw the Dark Knight, really thought it was good. I cant help but wonder if they'll make a sequel because the ending really made it seem like they will, but I haven't heard anythin about it. Also does anyone speculate that catwoman will make an appearance, after lucius fox's comment.

They will... No reason or what not... too many plot holes i guess..
As for sidekicks, whats up with Gordon's son. It's his daughter that fights with Batman.

As for a sequel, Catwoman might make an appearance, but it would probably be the Catwoman from that horrible movie. My moneys on Freeze, Penguin, or Riddler.
theyre makin a sequel with the riddler if u watched the credits afterwords the riddler came up and said "Riddle me this..." or thats what my friend told me... i dont like credits
yea cuz hes funny! plus it adds more mystery and u can figure out th riddles before batman sometimes! i hope they get jim carrey
Dude all I have to say is where the **** is Robin?
Nolan is not committed to another sequel, explaining that he does not normally line up projects after completing a film. Gary Oldman is confident Nolan will return, and Bale said he would return if Nolan did. Oldman hinted in the third film Gordon would have to hunt down Batman.He has also mentioned that the villain of the upcoming film may be The Riddler. Nolan explained that as long as he is directing, he is not including Robin in the franchise because Bale is portraying a "young Batman", which meant "Robin's not for a few films". Nolan jokingly listed Frankie Muniz as a potential choice, if the studio forced him to cast.Bale joked "I'll be chaining myself up somewhere and refusing to go to work" if Robin is introduced.


Where is the boy wonder? When will they fight Mr.Freeze? Where did George Clooney go off to now?