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Do you believe in God?

Re: Do u beleive in God?

............I'm pretty sure the Egyptians had a religion too. With gods.

Yes they did, but it wasn't God. They were punished for doing lots of bad things to the jews and holding them in Slavery and God wanted them to let the jews go.

and zeroth, God did kill the first born of all the families but it wasn't evil. He gave them life and decided to take their lives away early as a punishment. like I said before, God gave them the seven plagues, trying to make them to release the jews. they didn't, so he took their first born.

also, every person is born with sin. it is because of Adam and Eve, who brought sin into the world.
Re: Do u beleive in God?

If God does no evil, then why is he punishing generations of people for what "Adam and Eve" did? That seems fairly evil to me, holding a grudge like that. Maybe that's what the Bible really means when it says that God made us in his image. Maybe its saying that God is in fact fallible. Ever think of that?
Re: Do u beleive in God?

If God does no evil, then why is he punishing generations of people for what "Adam and Eve" did? That seems fairly evil to me, holding a grudge like that. Maybe that's what the Bible really means when it says that God made us in his image. Maybe its saying that God is in fact fallible. Ever think of that?
To continue this little trend, why would God continue with natural disastors. In the end of the story of Noah, God made a covenant (no, not that covenant) with Noah to never bring natural disasters again.

Someone earlier said that the first 7 Days were God Days. That could mean one or two things. A.) God said on the 8th Day "Time to go killing" (Chuck Norris pun intended) or B.)God went to bed, fell asleep, and is still sleeping through the 8th Day.
Re: Do u beleive in God?

If God does no evil, then why is he punishing generations of people for what "Adam and Eve" did? That seems fairly evil to me, holding a grudge like that. Maybe that's what the Bible really means when it says that God made us in his image. Maybe its saying that God is in fact fallible. Ever think of that?

Ok, this is interesting, my religion differs a little on this part from the standard Christian faith. God gave Adam and Eve two commandments. 1: multiply and replenish the Earth. 2: Do not eat the fruit of the tree of good and evil. Before they ate of the fruit of the tree, Adam and Eve were like children. They were innocent and had no sin. When they ate of the tree, it gave them the knowledge to know how to have children and fulfill the first commandment. The thing that all humanity lost was immortality. Thus we are all punished by it, but at the same time, we are blessed to be here in the first place.
Re: Do u beleive in God?

To continue this little trend, why would God continue with natural disastors. In the end of the story of Noah, God made a covenant (no, not that covenant) with Noah to never bring natural disasters again.

Someone earlier said that the first 7 Days were God Days. That could mean one or two things. A.) God said on the 8th Day "Time to go killing" (Chuck Norris pun intended) or B.)God went to bed, fell asleep, and is still sleeping through the 8th Day.

God didn't promise no more disasters. He promised not to flood the entire earth again.
Re: Do u beleive in God?

Sounds to me like God might have been looking for loop holes:

G: Okay, Noah, I promise I'll never do anything like that ever again
N: Sweet.

(Few thousands/million years later)

N: God, what the heck, you're destroying things again!
G: Yeah, but I'm not flooding the entire world, like I promised I wouldn't.

Pretty much.
Re: Do u beleive in God?

Explain the things God did that were really bad or evil in the new testament. What is there at all the can be considered something not done for the greater good?
Re: Do u beleive in God?

Exactly my point. Everything was done for the good of human kind. Every trial Job experienced, helped him to gain experience. One who has not felt dispair can not truly feel hope. Besides, in the end, he was rewarded for his edurence.
Re: Do u beleive in God?

Bringing up the story of Job is an interesting decision. In it, God gets in a petty argument with Satan and decides to let Satan ruin Job's life in order to prove a point. After letting letting Satan take away all of Job's possessions and wealth, and kill Job's kids, God proves his point and decides to reward Job by returning what was taken from him. Except the kids though, they got to stay dead.

Why did God need to prove anything to Satan. If he was omnipotent and omniscient couldn't he have simply ignored him? Anyone that would kill and cause misery and destruction to prove a point in an inane argument is a psychopath, which is exactly how the character of God was written at the time.

Here's the abridged version of the story for those of you who haven't read Job. It's suprisingly accurate to the actual story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHPg3kjKBRc
Re: Do u beleive in God?

Bringing up the story of Job is an interesting decision. In it, God gets in a petty argument with Satan and decides to let Satan ruin Job's life in order to prove a point. After letting letting Satan take away all of Job's possessions and wealth, and kill Job's kids, God proves his point and decides to reward Job by returning what was taken from him. Except the kids though, they got to stay dead.

Why did God need to prove anything to Satan. If he was omnipotent and omniscient couldn't he have simply ignored him? Anyone that would kill and cause misery and destruction to prove a point in an inane argument is a psychopath, which is exactly how the character of God was written at the time.

Here's the abridged version of the story for those of you who haven't read Job. It's suprisingly accurate to the actual story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHPg3kjKBRc

That is the most propagandic video I have ever seen. The attitudes were completely out of line and it left out so many important parts... Lets move on to the book of Ester... My favorite book in alll the scriptures...

By the way: the link has cartoon nudity.
Re: Do u beleive in God?

No, I personally don't believe in a higher power or God.

I could list reasons why and give evidence but there is a website that does it much better. It has 50 simple proofs and evidence that shows that there is no God. The focus is primarily on Christianity because that is the most popular religion in America but there are others aswell.

Re: Do u beleive in God?

No, I personally don't believe in a higher power or God.

I could list reasons why and give evidence but there is a website that does it much better. It has 50 simple proofs and evidence that shows that there is no God. The focus is primarily on Christianity because that is the most popular religion in America but there are others aswell.

That really doesn't make too great of an argument. I mean it does against Christianity, but just because organized religion is a big steaming pile of massive bullllllllshit, doesn't mean God doesn't exist.
Re: Do u beleive in God?

That really doesn't make too great of an argument. I mean it does against Christianity, but just because organized religion is a big steaming pile of massive bullllllllshit, doesn't mean God doesn't exist.

Have you taken a look at it?
The majority of evidence is about the concept of god in general.
Re: Do u beleive in God?

It's mostly about organized religion's view of God. It doesn't give evidence against the belief of a superior being we call God, which I'm sure many atheists and non religious people can't help believing in.