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Do you believe in God?

Re: Do u beleive in God?

lol, yeah, after i hit the post button i kind of regret including that

forget i said that, this is strictly a Do you believe in God question :)
Re: Do u beleive in God?

Ja... now try and hurt your brain by thinking asbout the paradox, Can God make a rock to big for himself to lift?
Re: Do u beleive in God?

Ja... now try and hurt your brain by thinking asbout the paradox, Can God make a rock to big for himself to lift?
Maybe, either way He doesn't have the ability to do something: lift a big rock or create one too big to lift. The point is, we'll find out if we get to heaven.
Re: Do u beleive in God?

Ahh.. Also, do you think if we actually wrapped our minds around the concept of God, our heads would implode or explode and plode?
Re: Do u beleive in God?

hmm i think that is true :)

some things are too complicated :)

try to imagine what it would be like if you were deaf blind and mute
we tried that in our english class, and we all got headaches...none of us have ever been deaf, blind or mute :)
Re: Do u beleive in God?

hmm i think that is true :)

some things are too complicated :)

try to imagine what it would be like if you were deaf blind and mute
we tried that in our english class, and we all got headaches...none of us have ever been deaf, blind or mute :)
Helen Keller was that lady who was blind and deaf and could still speak, right?
Re: Do u beleive in God?

Actually, she was mute but was able to overcome it in an astonishing amount of will and determination. Her firsts words were wa-wa... She was trying to say water.. She goes on to go to a university and graduates and somehting else happens......... Going off-topic so back on subject now I guess
Re: Do u beleive in God?

Correct, although she was a special case. Helen Keller lost hear hearing and sight from Scarlet Fever at around the age of 8 months. She was able to learn to read and speak as she had already been exposed to object recognition as an infant. This was founded after months of attempted tutoring and her reaction to touching water, and audibly recognizing it. From this, she was able to learn to speak and read brail from her young experiences. In addition, when you loose your eyesight, hearing, or both, your remaining senses become far more powerful.

Back on topic, I will not state my belief or disbelief of God, as I said back on page one along with a reason :).

Edit: i am a teddy, she was blind and deaf ;).
Edit...again: No expert either, I just know this from a History Channel show on the subject hehe.
Re: Do u beleive in God?

Im not an expert.. IO was recalling little of what I retained from 4th grade -.-

Its ok you dont voice ur reasons bob, we still love you......
Re: Do u beleive in God?

Bob is a smart person for not voicing his beliefs. I however am not. I do believe in God, always have and always will. I was raised in a religous household and have been going to Catholic schools all my life (except first grade). But thats not why I believe. Basically I just find it comforting to pray to God and tell him all my problems and to know there is someone up there looking out for me.
I've read this thread and held my tongue but now I feel like pointing something out. Religion and science are two completely opposite ends of the spectrum that we call the human mind. It doesn't really make sense to use one to try and disprove (or prove) the other. Think about the black and white cookie. Say someone covered the white half with a blanket or towel or something, so all you could see and touch was the white half. If you didn't know what kind of cookie it was, then you couldn't say that the entire cookie has a white frosting or that half of it has a chocolate frosting, because you can't see the other half. Just like life, deciding what the other half is is a gamble.
Then there's Dawanism. I am a religious person who believes in Dawanism because I believe that God is the answer to why, not how. For those who don't know Catholocism is based on scripture and tradition. The bible does have the creation story, but tradition (or at least the one I was brought upon) says that story is just a symbolic story, in fact most of the bible is mainly about symbolism. So I'm not contradicting myself by believing in Darwanism.
Then there is the whole monkeys still being around question. I think someone said this before but I'll reiterate. Evolution takes place because of geographical location and conditions. It has been proven that human kind first came to be somewhere in the middle east. I may be wrong but I don't think many monkeys live there presently. The common ancestor that eventually split into primapes and humans in that region found it necesary to evolve oposable thumbs and less hair. Common ancestors in other parts of the world found it necesary to evolve primape like qualities. Thus the common ancestor disapears and in its place we have humans and many different kinds of primapes.
One last thing: I believe atheists are good people who have their own views and I respect that.
Re: Do u beleive in God?

Holy *Insert word of choice*........... And you said your not intelligent 0.0 Thats deep and though it may not affect me right away, It will eventually!
Re: Do u beleive in God?

aha im sorry :)
i'm not all 'bah i hate atheists/other religions', on the contrary, my best friend is one :)
i dont agree with the decision, but i respect that you have a right to believe what you want to believe =]

the only thing i dont understand is abortion, i can't justify that from any other religious and non religious point of view...

teddy. i will not go into a tangent. i will just say that, for me, abortion is less about religion more about choice and freedom. it's a womens choice to get an abortion or not and it should be her right to do so if she wants. as i always say "don't like abortion? then don't have one."

see? gosh you all have so little trust in me. :]
Re: Do u beleive in God?

all i got to say is i belieive in god. i don't go to church. i dont need to. god is with me everwhere and i can worship him anywhere so church is pointlesds if u have already read the bible. i think satan is also a powerful being but anyone who says they worship satan is a nerd and they just say they r gothic because nobody in the world likes them but gothic people try to recruit more friends becasuse they dont have and so if u worship satan i hope u DIE!!!!!!!!
Re: Do u beleive in God?

all i got to say is i belieive in god. i don't go to church. i dont need to. god is with me everwhere and i can worship him anywhere so church is pointlesds if u have already read the bible. i think satan is also a powerful being but anyone who says they worship satan is a nerd and they just say they r gothic because nobody in the world likes them but gothic people try to recruit more friends becasuse they dont have and so if u worship satan i hope u DIE!!!!!!!!
Hey man, where would we be without Satan worshippers? What would happen to Kiss and van Halen? And would Stairway to Heaven be as good without it's backmasked message? It's ok to disagree with Satan worshippers but they contribute a lot to our society, you can't just toss them aside. (by the way, I am not a Satan worshipper)
Re: Do u beleive in God?

Kiss didn't really worship Satan, it was just a misconception that people had about there image. Their name meaning Knights In Satan's Service is just a rumor. This all can be found in Gene Simmons's autobiography.
As for Stairway to Heaven, I have not actually listened to it backwards for myself, and until I do (once I find something that can play it backwards for me in person, can't trust the internet) I doubt that they would do something stupid like that.
Re: Do u beleive in God?

Satin worshippers dont exactly worship the devil himself.. They worship the concept of him, just like catholics do to God.
Re: Do u beleive in God?

Kiss didn't really worship Satan, it was just a misconception that people had about there image. Their name meaning Knights In Satan's Service is just a rumor. This all can be found in Gene Simmons's autobiography.
As for Stairway to Heaven, I have not actually listened to it backwards for myself, and until I do (once I find something that can play it backwards for me in person, can't trust the internet) I doubt that they would do something stupid like that.
Kiss did worship Satan, haven't you ever heard of their Destroyer album?

First of all, look at the cover: a city burning and four creeps with wierd masks jumping happily on a rock.

Second, God of Thunder: "I was raised by the demons".

Third, Detroit Rock City, when played backward, says "Devil hears us", "Devil lives", and "Devil loves us". Kiss actually confirmed this.

I completely doubted Stairway to Heaven having backmasked Satanic messages on it, and I played it backwards to prove myself wrong, but it backfired on me.

The end when he says "and she's buying her stairway to heaven" backwards is "play backwards, hear why it's sung here, oppositioner."

I listened to the entire song backwards, and I only heard some of the things like "I feel him rustle within me", "The Lord is too dirty, I live with Satan", and "He can't save my soul, the river".

The most obvious one is in the part where he says "If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now". Listen to that entire part, it goes like this:

"Here's to my sweet Satan,
The one who's little path would make me sad,
Who's power is Satan.
He gives all those with him 666.
There was a little toolshed
Where he made us suffer,
Sad Satan."