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Exploding Cow!

And to state what I said before: This is ok, but I don't believe that people should use it for an avatar, as it is pushing the boundry.
first my avtar was a brand new delorean but then Bob drove it now it is a wreack
Dang webmasterbob !%$!#^%$#!^@#%^@@^@%^@46
Ha-ha... That's officially my new catch phrase.... not that I ever had an old one...
I wonder what avatar I'll use when I become the first knight of hyrule...
allow me to ponder...
Ha-ha... That's officially my new catch phrase.... not that I ever had an old one...
I wonder what avatar I'll use when I become the first knight of hyrule...
allow me to ponder...
46 is mine! You can use animal and dude, but not 46
I'm not insulting his avatar making skills. I'm just saying that all of my animated pics get messed up when they're put as one
It appears that the different levels seperated. Was it made in Flash perchance? That happens sometimes when you resize the animation. The different levels can resize independently of each other, and it gets messed up.
I made this particular one in Fireworks. Usually, though, I will animate it in Flash, save it as a .GIF, then spiff it up in Fireworks. I don't see why this is happening. The only site that these images screw up in are this one. Maybey this has something to do with a max file size (although this one is in regulation) or something like that. I can only try to make the file size smaller, but your best bet is asking Bob.