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Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverages

So It's come to my attention that in terms of activity, we're kind of squandering. Maybe you'll remember the chocolate vs vanilla thread we had awhile back. This is the same general idea except with NON-ALCOHOLIC beverages and there's more flexibility in choices. It's okay if this turns into a raging debate because sometimes they can actually be rather fun. Lets try to stay away from aimed insults though. Have fun! ^.^

I actually really really love Shamrock Shakes.
Eww... Shamrock shakes are disgusting. Sure, mint is good, but combined with just about anything else it's disgusting.

As for my favorite non-alcoholic beverage, I'm not sure. I like a bunch of different beverages like colas, root beer, milkshakes, etc. If I had to pick, my absolute favorite would be cream soda.
Oh, man. How could I forget sweet tea! I love it. They had it in my cafeteria at school one day, and I was flipping out cause I can never find it up here in the North, and my friend was wondering why I was so excited for something he viewed as "nasty". Dunno what his problem was.