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favorite zelda charicters and villans

Link is a personal favorite. I really liked Midna from Twilight Princess, being she had the most character development. That, and as far as vilians, Twinrova :D. Those two still make me laugh.
Well, I can say that one of my favorite characters is Link, and I really liked the two Oracles from OoA and OoS (Din and Nayru, not Faore, Oracle of Secrets). But I can safely say this:

Chill. You don't hate Tingle, you just find him quite annoying. There's a difference. And I thought you said you were his friend in WW, or was I mistaken? That being said, my favorite villain is Zant due to his complete lack of self-control as evidenced in his boss fight.
Eh, Tingle could have fell in a ditch and died for TP for all I care. Or maybe ... maybe 'Tingle Tingle Kooloo Limpah' reincarnated him as the teacher!
I like: Link, Midna, Six sages from OoT, and for some reason, Makar, and Zelda, Ezlo

I disklike: Navi * i cant stand her* and tingle

Favorite Villain: Vaati *sorry if thats spelled wrong, i dont feel like thinking.
Favorite good guy characters- Link, Midna, Nayru, Din, Farore, Impa (OoT), Naburoo, Shiek, Saria, Wolf Link, Laruto, Talt, Tael

Favorite villans- Vaati (MC), Bongo-Bongo, Veran, King Dodongo

Most annoying characters- Ruto, Navi

And GoI is out now.
Favorite good guys: Makar, Tetra, Deku Link, Colin (just for being brave) and Midna.

Favorite bad guys: Moldorm, Lanmolas, Twinmold, and being a band geek gotta love Bongo-Bongo

P.S. I believe all "I hate Tingle" remarks should be directed to another thread that was set up for "I Hate Tingle" remarks.

Favorite good guy characters- Link, Midna, Nayru, Din, Farore, Impa (OoT), Naburoo, Shiek, Saria, Wolf Link, Laruto, Talt, Tael

Favorite villans- Vaati (MC), Bongo-Bongo, Veran, King Dodongo

Most annoying characters- Ruto, Navi

And GoI is out now.

What's GoI? (If its something obvious, I'm sorry. I'm a little dazed and confused right now.)
GoI = Guardian of Ice. I can't believe you missed that. Oh, and I CREATED the Oh No, Not TINGLE! thread.
Well, Link and Zelda are givens. Other good guys would be Midna, Ashei (what? I have a soft spot for elvish swordswomen, leave me alone), Malon, and probably others that aren't coming to mind right now.

I have to say that my favorite villain is Ganondorf/Ganon. He is the penultimate evil in Zelda, and the second evil-est game villain next to Sephiroth. He's bent on complete world domination, although he does have a slightly pensive side, as evidenced by his behavior in WW. Vaati takes the number 2 villain spot, with Zant coming in at 3. Zant is third cause TP is his first appearance. Nuts as he is, he isn't what I'd call an "organized" villain.

My favorite character(s) are: Midna, Zelda, Din, Nayru, and Farore.

My favorite villan(s) are: Bongo Bongo, Vaati, Link(reasons), Ganon and Ganondorf Dragmire.

If you're wondering Link, ask away...
Link isn't a Hero at all... I believe that something new should arise... A new Hero... A Hero that I may not know... But, Link just isn't a full-blooded Hero of Time to me... Yes, he gets the Triforce of Courage and the Master Sword and all the other things...

But, Link has been in all the games... Link needs to retire and have someone new... Maybe his son... That turns evil and everything takes a turn that NO ONE would EVER expect...
What's GoI? (If its something obvious, I'm sorry. I'm a little dazed and confused right now.)

Yes, it's very obvious.

GoI = Guardian of Ice. I can't believe you missed that.

And thank you Slyguy for telling him. xP

Link isn't a Hero at all... I believe that something new should arise... A new Hero... A Hero that I may not know... But, Link just isn't a full-blooded Hero of Time to me... Yes, he gets the Triforce of Courage and the Master Sword and all the other things...

But, Link has been in all the games... Link needs to retire and have someone new... Maybe his son... That turns evil and everything takes a turn that NO ONE would EVER expect...

Now you got me thinking.

I do believe in what you have said. I don't think Link is a Hero any more. Because, mainly, it's either the same Link, or a Link born in the generation of the Hyrulian family. Never a very new person in each game no? The Master Sword and holding the Triforce of Courage can mean some thing, but some things, end up losing that meaning after a certain amount of time. And the other weapons that he gets are mainly minor besides the Master Sword, the Ocarina of Time and a couple of more important ones found in only one MAYBE two of the same Zelda games.

But I do agree with you on that. A new hero with a new default/ original name should take over as Hero of Time, a son, instead of a son of some one else that isn't Link's offspring. But having a few things change would be nice, like the unexpected of the main character of the game to go through and the decisions choices you have to make and what not.

Now my head hurts from thinking... Thanks bunches ZeldaGuardian.
Yeah, a new hero would be nice. Maybe Link's son ... or even his Daughter? Ever think of that GoI and ZG?