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favorite zelda charicters and villans

I like Ganondorf but not Ganon... Vaati is cool too. Wait, what do you mean they're villians? They're in more games than each individual Link anyway! Bah, they're the only ones that don't scream like a girl when they're nailed in the head with a 5-foot long sword.
Favorite good guys: Ezlo was really cool, oh the zoran guards are pretty cool too.

Favorite villians: Vaati was pretty good, zant's boss fight was fun, oh and Ganon's boss fights are pretty cool too.

most annoying characters: Navi. why? because whenever you already know what to do she calls you telling that same frickin' thing, and even when you don't know what to do she doesn't say anything to help you out. That's what i call a bad friend.
My favorite villain is Dark Link from Ocarina of Time

windmage lets me beat him cuz im good at beating him...i think he's easy....:cool:
mine are Link, Navi, Maiku, The Sages, Zelda, ETC................. the list goes on and on andonandon&ON&ON&ON&ON&ON&ON&ON&ON&ON&ON&ON!
Link, Zelda, Midna

I don't like navi only cause she's annoying...though at times she's more helpful than midna. I clicked on midna wanting to see if she'd give me advice on a fight. She says "Why'd they make this temple so big? It's so hard to get around" or something like that. I twitched and thought yeah I know it's big I've been running around it for the past 10 minutes.
I only dislike Midna because whenever I talk to her, she always says something to irritate me, mostly by stating the clearly obvious...