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Fighter's tech

No, that's a horrible idea.

Fighters tech must be kept completely unofficial. Rules and character making crap will just screw it up and suck the fun out of it. The host makes the characters, if he wants he can change the character every time, if he wants he can use the same one every time. Here are the rules:

1.Whatever the narrator/host says goes. No arguing.

Also, the maps are just so you don't have to make up a new map every time you play. You don't have to use them, you can alter them however you want. These maps aren't official at all. This "game" isn't official at all.

Quite agreed. The fun thing about Fighter's Tech is that its an unconventional RPG. When things are completely up to the host, anything might happen, most likely with funny results.
You might have to use the same character though for a while. Fighter's Tech games can be VERY long, but still fun.

I think i thought of a good story line, it will be a long game, so if nobody wants to narrate the next game, I will.

We also need to come up with a time and day to play every week for the official ones.
fighters tech isn't just about freedom for the narrator, but also for the players. it puts the two on a level playing field so that anything is possible.