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For the chatroom


We could have something like the NSider Mute Trivia. I can be the admin for it. Here's how it goes. I ask a question. Any question. Whether it be videogames, sports, news, etc. Whoever answers first can mute someone else, removing them from the game. However the winner can switch the mute, essentially unmutting someone, and muting someone else. It could be team.


2nd on thread, second on chatroom!

Actually Bob was. :p
Sounds like a great idea, especially since you're willing to do the work...that works :D. We could even set up a forum award or recognition for winners, or something of the sort. PM me and we can work out the details. Awesome idea!
Woah... bob just owned me through Zerg's post! :eek:

Well, what happened was I clicked on it and it has been loading for the past 13 minutes :)

I'll be team purple's captain :cool:
That's a really cool idea, despite you have some of the rules messed up a bit :D. Maybe we could win prizes, or of course the forum rank is fine to..........whatever it may be.
That's a really cool idea, despite you have some of the rules messed up a bit :D. Maybe we could win prizes, or of course the forum rank is fine to..........whatever it may be.

I don't know how prizes would work....and please clarify the rules that I messed up
Basically, these are the rules.

The Point: The point of mute trivia is to be the last one unmuted (not silenced).

General Procedure: Everyone in the game starts off unmuted. The person running the mute trivia will then pose a question relating to the topic, such as videogames. The first person to respond back with the correct answer can choose someone to mute, basically kicking them out of the game. A bit later in the game, the trivia host has also been known to ask questions which would allow the person with the correct answer to get someone back in the game by unmuting them. There are also other questions which could count as a switch where one person is unmuted and another is muted. In either case, the trivia host will always tell everyone before he states the question what the question is for *mute, unmute, switch*.
That's really it, there's no real teamset in there...I guess you could work in alliance with someone, but overall it's just the last man standing idea. Hope that helps Zerg.
Basically, these are the rules.

The Point: The point of mute trivia is to be the last one unmuted (not silenced).

General Procedure: Everyone in the game starts off unmuted. The person running the mute trivia will then pose a question relating to the topic, such as videogames. The first person to respond back with the correct answer can choose someone to mute, basically kicking them out of the game. A bit later in the game, the trivia host has also been known to ask questions which would allow the person with the correct answer to get someone back in the game by unmuting them. There are also other questions which could count as a switch where one person is unmuted and another is muted. In either case, the trivia host will always tell everyone before he states the question what the question is for *mute, unmute, switch*.
That's really it, there's no real teamset in there...I guess you could work in alliance with someone, but overall it's just the last man standing idea. Hope that helps Zerg.

Ah thank you very much. I'll PM bob at some point to work it out