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GameSpot: Biased?


Sage in Training
I'm the kind of person who likes checking in with gaming sites every day and seeing if there are any previews, reviews, news, ect on any upcoming Nintendo games. And ever since the Wii's launch I've noticed something different between GameSpot and IGN. Wii games reviewed by gamespot always seem to be aroung 10 points less then scores on IGN. For example: TP got an 8.8 on GS while it got a 9.5 on IGN. Excite Truck (Which in my opinion is an incredible game) got a 5 on GS and an 8 on IGN. TC got around a 7.8 on GS and around 8.5 on IGN. SSX Blur and Wii Sports both got around an 8.5 on IGN and a 7.5 on GS. Mario Strikers (My opinion, great game.) 8.3 on IGN and you guessed it, 7.5 on GS! I could go on and on forever but I have a point to get to. The only game that was a big difference where GS was higher was Wario Ware: Smooth Moves got a 9.1 on GS and 8.3 on IGN. This review was total bs though because Wario Ware can be beaten in about 2 hours. That's why Ign scored lower, and GS should've scored it lower. This is what leads me to believe that it's like GS plays a Wii game for about an hour and gives it an average score around 6-8 assuming that no hardcore gamer would care about a Wii review. But it's not just between IGN and GS. There are other places like gamespy and stuff that also score much higher than GS. So my theory is that GameSpot is biased against the Wii. Today put an exclamation point on the theory when Gamespy, IGN, and GameSpot all came out with Metroid Prime 3: Corruption previews. Here are some quotes:

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption looks a lot like its predecessors, both in style and technology. However, everything is a little crisper and more detailed. For a Wii game, it also looks quite nice. The addition of voice acting--and lots of it--also seems fine, but we doubt we'll get a chance to hear Samus herself speak. But we'll find out for sure very soon. Look for our full review of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption next week.

We're going to have the full review of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption shortly before the game ships, but we don't think you'll be surprised to learn that it's an amazing experience both mechanically and visually. If this is truly the end of Retro's magnificent trilogy, Samus Aran will have gone out on a very high note indeed.

Notice how GameSpot said it was a quite nice looking Wii game and IGN said it was an amazing looking Wii game. (Actually if you read the whole preview you'll realize that when they went deeper into the visuals portion they said it's the best looking Wii game to date.) Anyway, I'm pretty sure you get the picture... so I'm just wondering what you have to say on the subject.
Yeah, they do seem biased against Wii. I think it is because of what you said about them thinking that hardcore gamers won't care about these reveiws, or maybe it's the fact that they are comparing them against the other next gen consoles. Who knows.
This is what leads me to believe that it's like GS plays a Wii game for about an hour and gives it an average score around 6-8 assuming that no hardcore gamer would care about a Wii review.
Sadly enough, this is actually quite common among third-party reviews. Note how no Gamespot review makes particular mention as to game length. Reviewers will often play through to first hour or two of a game, and slap on a number based on how boring the cutscenes were. I've been slowly slipping away from Gamespot for a few years now as I find that much of their commentary is on the shallower aspects of gameplay that can be judged within half an hour.
Yeah, On IGN one of their review criteria is "Lasting Appeal".

Also, lately the only reason I've been going on is to check the news but that's all.
The only sites I've really gone on are IGN and GameFAQs (just for some game FAQs) because I never liked gamespot. A lot of mentally impaired people are biased against the wii, usually because they are brainwashed Microsoft or Sony loyalists...or rogue Sega addicts...and they can't handle the fact that most people like the wii more, and that it is selling outrageously more than their competition. Because they've been out for over a year, and they're still sold out everywhere, as opposed to the others, where you can get them anywhere pretty much, and the shelves are always full of them... I guess gamespot is run by these sort of people...
In the last issue of Nintendo Power, the editor talked about how there are people who believe that the Wii will destroy the videogame industry because companies will realize that these cheap Wii games are selling amazingly and start making them instead of more hardcore games such as Metroid. He hopes that Metroid will prove those people wrong and I'm guessing gamespot are those type of people.
They are very biased, in my opinion. However, I would not judge Gamespot as much as I would judge Jeff, the editor whom reviewed a majority of the Wii games. I truly believe it is he that stands as the major biased individual. You'll notice by reading some of the editor's replies to insulted fanboys involve words of sympathy, and one thread a while ago *later deleted by moderation* revealed that several editors thought his score of Twilight Princess was complete BS.

I used to be a "Gamespot Complete" member, however once my subscription runs out I will be switching over to IGN Founders. Honestly, the only real positive GS has over IGN is a superior website. Of course, there rather lackluster content begs to differ.
In an "On the Spot" episode shortly after the release of the ps3 and wii there was a segment where some guys went around asking gamespot editors if they picked up either of the new systems. I remember there being only a few Wii owners or soon-to-be Wii owners but I remember Jeff in particular saying he was gonna pick one up that night but he said he had no plans for picking up a wii ^_^

GameSpot scored it an 8.5 -_-
IGN scored it a 9.5
Yup, just saw that, it's actually pretty funny, especially since the "other reviewers" score is set at a 9.5.

Speaking on the subject of Corruption *only off topic for one moment* I've been playing through most of this morning and I must say it is simply amazing. Watching trailers is one thing, but when I popped this bad boy...er.girl into my Wii I was presented with nothing less than beautiful environments, awesome battles, and insane...well, I'll leave that out for spoil purposes ;).

Also, just another little note for anyone interested. When you insert the game disc for the first time, MP3 will update your Wii *from the disc, nothing to download* with the ability to read save data from members of your friends list for the purpose of exchanging friend vouchers. Also, if you interested in exchanging vouchers *required for several unlockables* you must also go to your game file>Extras>WiiConnect24 Settings and enable WiiConnect 24 for the game. Without this, no one on your friends list can send you friend vouchers.

Ok, back on topic :D.
He was and I am honestly disgusted. I may not have agreed with every review he's written, although firing someone over telling the world how they felt in a game review is absolutely pathetic. I've already posted several responses in support of Jeff on the GS forums. For any of you still in wary nature, Jeff has actually done a great deal of good things for GameSpot, including agreeing to partner in for the Mario Galaxy marathon *he enjoyed Galaxy to :D*.

Jeff's firing has already caused more than 3/4 the writing staff to consider leaving.
I actually watched 5 minutes of the Galaxy marathon and it didn't seem like he enjoyed it that much...

I agree that he didn't deserve to be fired but I still didn't like him very much. His personality in the On the Spot episodes got me mad...
Look at the article GS wrote up on the issue. It's pretty obvious they are all full of it. If his termination had nothing to do with his review, why was the video removed? Why was it made public that Eidos contacted Cnet with their threat? Why is it that a staff member whom quit his job posted a long blog that told the truth of the matter, but had to resind due to legal issues?

I'm seriously never trusting GameSpot again; they really will be biased now more than ever!
The staff member that posted the blog was forced to delete it, the video for the game review can be found on youtube though (linkified). They removed the video from the review, citing "adding differences between the PS3 and 360 versions" as the reason, losers. In my eyes, that review was no reason to fire him, as a matter of fact Ithought he was being kind in the review.
I always got a funny feeling from Gamespot. I use Gamefaqs for FAQs, but never used Gamespot for anything. And this is all the more reason to not use them. I'll stick with IGN, thank you very much.
I've been on gamespot I think once or twice, but I use GameFAQs which I really liked...>_> Uggh... Now I have to find a new FAQ site...
Eh, don't bother finding a new one. I'm not going to. Just ignore what Gamespot has to say about games. Heck, ignore Gamespot all together.

I realize in using Gamefaqs I'll be giving in to Cnet's giant advertizing ploy, but I use it for the user created walkthroughs and message boards that CjayC intended it to be for, not for game advertizements and to be spoon fed Cnet's BS.