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Guitar Hero Series

Now that's not true yoyoll about hard-core gamers having no life. I've been gaming since I was 2, and I plan to major in game design in college, and hopefully get a career in the videogame career. Now does that mean I have no life? Nowhere near. I have a really good life, and I hang out with friends constantly. That's such a stereotypical statement that gamers have no life
Uhh...you want to go to gaming college.
I'm trying to get to med school.

Who has more of a life?
Uhh...you want to go to gaming college.
I'm trying to get to med school.

Who has more of a life?

and you have over 750 posts in less than a year. least i dont need to try to put others down and make them feel bad about their interests to make myself feel better
and you have over 750 posts in less than a year. least i dont need to try to put others down and make them feel bad about their interests to make myself feel better
Touche...(not sure how to spell it...)

Also, 50% of my posts may have well been deleted by mods. I post meaningful things that people should listen to, but because my posts are brutally honest, I'm silenced. Here's a hint: Guitar Hero < Real Guitar.
Touche...(not sure how to spell it...)

Also, 50% of my posts may have well been deleted by mods. I post meaningful things that people should listen to, but because they're brutally honest, I'm silenced. Here's a hint: Guitar Hero < Real Guitar.

you say you post meaningful things, but it's meaningful in your opinion. to someone else, it may not have the same idea or mean quite the same thing. i mean yea, real guitar is better than guitar hero hands down. thing is, i don't want to spend the money to buy a real guitar, pay for lessons, pay for music, and then probably end up not playing it. guitar hero just lets us pretend to play, without having to spend a lot of money
you say you post meaningful things, but it's meaningful in your opinion. to someone else, it may not have the same idea or mean quite the same thing. i mean yea, real guitar is better than guitar hero hands down. thing is, i don't want to spend the money to buy a real guitar, pay for lessons, pay for music, and then probably end up not playing it. guitar hero just lets us pretend to play, without having to spend a lot of money
You make a good point, but if you actually learn the guitar and get good at it, the effort's gonna pay off.