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Happy, Happy Birthday!


Hope Never Dies
From all of us to youuuuuuuuuuuuu. Dadadadadada, dadadadada DOO!

Happy Birthday, to the one, the (current) only, Webmasterbob! Since I am up at this hour for some strange reason, I thought I'd go ahead and make this! :D May your day be filled with um, no homework, movies in school/subs, and other assorted good wishes! :)
Happy-happy Birthday, from all of us to you!
We've nullified your Birthday, so you can't party too!

Happy Birthday to Bob ...

Don't Kill Me.
Gratz Bob, you have officially become a man 0.0... You can now legally vote for who gets to screw up our country next!
Have a happy birthday. Enjoy life while you're still young. Unfortunately I'm old and crippled...
Happy (late) birthday!

From Gunslinger Girl