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Harry Potter 7 reading *spoiler-free*


Hope Never Dies
I came up with an idea, since I am certain that at least some of you are getting this book, that it would be cool to record when we finished the final book in the series. A List I shall make, just post here with the date and time you finished :)

Username | Date finished | Time finished
1) UltimaLink007 | 7/21/07 | 8:13 AM |
2) Webmasterbob| 7/22/07 | 9:14 AM |
3) Slyguy46 | 7/23/07 |
4) Versac | 7/23/07 | 5:45 PM |
4) Demoncrat7 | 7/24/07 |
5) Windmage | 7/24/07 | 7:30 PM
6) IheartNJ | 7/24/07 | 9:00 PM
9:14 AM this morning *the 22nd*. Rather emotional last 200 pages if you ask me. It seemed she pulled off every literary tactic known to man, and made some new ones :eek:.
I didn't get it, but I plan to. However, Wikipedia had the ending to the book when it came out, so does that count? Lol
I started and finished yesterday.

It was a good story, but not great literature...I don't agree with the "every literary tactic known to man"...I don't think there were any literary tactics at all, haha.
Precisely, she used literary techniques known only to monkeys! Wait...I just contradicted myself...hmmm how about, she used every literary tactic know to men indigenous to small parts of Alaska and British Columbia...yea...that will work.

You see, I read Harry Potter after reading Baldwin. Maybe the reason I enjoyed DH to such a great extent was due to the fact my brain did not cringe attempting to follow a narrative *not to say Baldwin is a poor witter, he's actually very good, just hard to follow ;)*.
i finished at likee 9ish pm on tuesday. i read prolly the first 500 pages on sunday but i just couldnt bare to finish it so i put it off for a few days.

im so sad its over!!!!!!!!!_(
Starting Reading the book at around 11:30pm Sunday, finished about 7:30 am on Tuesday

frequent stops, i really dont think i wanted it to end

but once i got to the last few chapters, i couldnt stop
Finished Monday the 23 around 5:45 P.M. The majority of the book was good, but there was a little too much deus ex machina for my taste. Oh, and the epilogue was one of the most sickeningly cliched things I've read in a long time.
Started: Saturday The 21st 1:00 Pm
Finished: Sunday The 22st 3:00 Am
Overall: 14 hrs
(The Time does not include eating, bathroom etc)
Started: Monday July 30th 1:34
Finished: Wednesday August 1st 12:45

Total: about 15 hours or so of reading time in that...I could have been quicker, although I wanted to take everything in.

I ordered from Amazon and did not receive my book until Monday the 30th! Now, I did end up getting a free book due to this, although that was disappointing. A live right nearby NYC too, so every bookstore within reasonable driving distance was sold out. Of course, great finish, so I guess it wasn't that horrid of a wait :).
I have already watched it three times and never felt bore. I am a big fan of Harry potter movies and never missed any part of its series. All chapter of harry potter were superb but the last part Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part I really a incredible chapter. The part split into two parts and eagerly waiting for watch its next part.